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Students of LNU Take CIEC in Stanford in January

Date: 2017-02-16    Source: 

      In January, 2017, 39 students of Liaoning University went to Stanford University to study Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses (CIEC) from 6th to 19th. 15 Stanford teachers and entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley (including Professor Michael Barry, Professor David Craig, Dr. Kevin Rustagi and Dr. Toni Lane) delivered special theory lectures in totally 40 class hours to the students. These lectures focused on the cross-major and interdisciplinary modularization and participative teaching, with the teaching methods of case analysis, group discussion, role play and brainstorming highly recommended by lecturers. During the study, students did many practices with special topics respectively in UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), USC (University of Southern California), CIT (California Institute of Technology), UCB (University of California, Berkeley) and Silicon Valley. The practices included market survey, subject design, visiting study and so on. And after the study was over, the students participated in the CFCC- Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum, where they excellently showed their projects in English.