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LNU Students Win Awards in 2017 NECCS

Date: 2017-05-25    Source: 

The finals of NECCS (National English Competition for College Students) started nationwide on May 14. Shenyang and Dalian made up the Liaoning division, which was open to different types of candidates who were in four groups of A, B, C and D. There were totally 245 candidates getting into the finals in Liaoning province, nine of whom were LNUers. All the nine candidates got awards: Li Zhifen and Sun Yamin of Group A (for graduates) respectively got the top prize and the first prize, Zhou Lin won the top in Group B (for English major students) and as for Group C (for non-English major undergraduates), Zhang Yunbo, Jin Wanying, Zhang Yuechen, Liu Yanghe and Sun Fangzhou from C won the top and the first prize.