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The Party Committee of Liaoning University held a Standing Committee Conference to Convey and Study the Guiding Principles of the 20th CPC National Congress

Date: 2022-10-28    Source: 

On October 27, the Party Committee of Liaoning University held a standing committee conference to convey and study the guiding principles of 20th CPC National Congress, the important speech delivered by General Secretary XI Jinping at the first collective study in the 20th the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and the conference on conveying the study of the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress in Liaoning, and to deploy the work of the university in accordance with the requirements of the conference on conveying the study of the guiding principle of the 20thCPC National Congress in Liaoning. ZHOU Haobo, the Secretary of the CPC Committee of Liaoning University, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. The Standing Committee of CPC Committee of Liaoning university attended the meeting. 


The meeting pointed out that the 20th CPC National Congress is a very important meeting held at the crucial moment when the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups across the country embarked on a new journey of building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way towards the goal of the second century. The 20th CPC National Congress has made a series of significant achievements in politics, theory and practice,  formulated major policies and strategic arrangements for the development of our Party and state cause for a new era. It is the political declaration and guiding for the Party to unite and lead the people in building a socialist modern country in all-round way and comprehensively promote great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It also made arrangements for strengthening the Party’s leadership and promoting the new great project of the Party building in the new era, and pointed out the direction for the development of the Party and state cause for a new era and new journey.


The meeting emphasized that the 20th CPC National Congress arranged and deployed education, technology and talents as a whole for the first time, which reflected General Secretary Xi’s profound insight and grasp of the rule of the rise of powerful country, the characteristics of today’s new technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the trend of the world in the future. The report also reflected General Secretary Xi’s consistent concern for education in the new era and new journey. The university should accurately grasp the orientation of educational objectives, deeply understand that education is a major project of the country and the Party and fully implement the Party’s educational policy. The university should focus on the building of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines and interdisciplinary disciplines, promote the high-quality development and make new breakthroughs in the new round of “double first-class” construction. It is necessary to cultivate top innovative talents and promote the development of science and technology, make contribution to the development of social economy in Liaoning.


According to the meeting requirement, studying, publicizing and implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress will be the most important political task for the university at present and in the future. The university should quickly set off an upsurge of studying the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress and comprehensively implement XI Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The university should persist in reading the original text and understanding the principle and use the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress to arm our minds, guide practice and promote works. Studying, publicizing and implementing the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress should be the major content of study center, reading class and special party class, and closely combine it with General Secretary Xi’s important speech during his inspection in Liaoning and General Secretary Xi’s important exposition on education, so as to truly implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress in all aspects of the university. The university should persist in studying and putting them in action, make overall work plans of the university for the current and the future, promote the high-quality development of the university and provide more powerful talent and intellectual support for Liaoning revitalization in all aspects.