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Ms. Zhou Bingde Visits Liaoning University to Give First Lesson of the Semester for the Tang Duo Lecture Series

Date: 2023-02-27    Source: 

      On the morning of Feb. 27, the second lecture of the Tang Duo Lecture Series, being one of a series of activities for the First Lesson of the Semester, was held in the Academic Lecture Hall of Puhe Campus. Ms. Zhou Bingde gave a lecture entitled “Inheriting the Red-Army Family Tradition and Carrying Forward the Revolutionary Spirit”. The lecture was attended by Prof. Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Liaoning University, as well as by Vice-Presidents Prof. Li Shuyun and Prof. Huo Chunhui. Vice-President Li Shuyun hosted the lecture.



On behalf of the university, Yu Miaojie expressed warm welcome and gratitude to Ms. Zhou Bingde for supporting the series of activities of the Tang Duo Lecture Series and the First Lesson of the Semester. He also gave a brief introduction to Ms. Zhou Bingde.



From the perspective of her familial relation to former Premier Zhou Enlai, Zhou Bingde spoke of the edification she received from him, sharing her thoughts and daily life in vivid details and touching stories that touched on six aspects: caring for the masses and sharing weal and woe; loving couples sharing the same ideals; having a frugal life, both publicly and privately; holding strict requirements for relatives; putting national interests first; and, finally, remembering her uncle’s original aspiration. Zhou’s remarks vividly demonstrated Premier Zhou Enlai’s faithful adherence to sharing weal and woe with the masses, educating relatives in a practical manner, and the noble demeanor of devoting oneself to the cause of the Party and to the country. Through her keen imagery, the faculty and students both deeply felt from various viewpoints the noble character and great demeanor of Premier Zhou Enlai.

This lecture is an evocatively ideological and politically theoretical course, full of patriotism and profound educational significance. Through its high ideals, rich connotations, and profound content, the lecture plays a solid educational and guiding role in inheriting the Red-Army family traditions from the older generation of revolutionaries, thereby continuing its Red-Army spirit and cultivation of patriotism. Faculty and students listened carefully and received profound instruction, with the lecture ending in prolonged, warm applause.





On behalf of the university, Prof. Yu Miaojie awarded Zhou Bingde a commemorative certificate of the Tang Duo Lecture Series. Vice-President Huo Chunhui then presented Zhou Bingde with a commemorative plate of the Tang Duo Lecture Series, followed by Vice-President Li Shuyun presenting her with a commemorative video entitled “Zhou Enlai in Liaoning”. Additionally, the teacher representative paid tribute to Zhou Bingde by bestowing on her the university badge and offering a bundle of flowers. Finally, the event played another  commemorative video, “Zhou Enlai’s Learning Time in Liaoning” a carefully edited documentation of various sites visited.

The lecture was also attended by leaders of primary party organizations, secretaries of CPC branches, young cadres, representatives of democratic parties, non-party intellectuals, officials of the CPC organizing committee, and some faculty and student representatives of the university.

After the event, Zhou Bingde and the rest of her delegation visited the History Museum of Liaoning University. With the guidance of a commentator, Zhou received a detailed understanding of the university’s historical evolution and achievements. She particularly showed great interest in the autobiography of Premier Zhou Enlai’s teacher, Mr. Zhang Jingxuan (a late professor of Liaoning University), and stopped to admire it for a long time.

Born in 1937, Zhou Bingde, is the eldest daughter of Comrade Zhou Enshou, the younger brother of Premier Zhou Enlai. She has served as a member of the 9th and 10th CPPCC National Committee, a member of the Cultural and Historical Information Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, and the vice president of the China News Agency. Zhou is currently a standing director of the China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Unity, a consultant to the Zhou Enlai Deng Yingchao Research Center, and a founding president of the Beijing Da Luan Xiang Yu Charity Foundation. She has authored many works, including My Uncle Zhou Enlai, Family Affection for West Flower Hall, and My Uncle and Aunt Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao. Over the years, Zhou Bingde has personally carried forward the Red-Army family ethos and its revolutionary spirit, thereby adhering to the foundation of Marxism. She has delivered nearly 200 lectures at universities, colleges, ministries, local government party schools, enterprises, and institutions, with some topics inlcuding “Understanding the Personality of Zhou Enlai at His Side” and “Inheriting the Spirit of Zhou Enlai and Promoting Red Culture”.