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Liaoning University Holds the Launching Ceremony for Earth Charter Education-Related Activities at Liaoning University

Date: 2023-08-25    Source: 


On the morning of August 24, the Launching Ceremony for Earth Charter Education-Related Activities was held at the Lecture Hall at Puhe Campus of Liaoning University. The ceremony was attended by Professor Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of LNU; Huo Chunhui, Vice President of LNU; Mirian Vilela, Executive Secretary-General of ECI; Fang Hong, Executive Director of the ECI China Center; and Yan Tinggan, Invited Director of the ECI China Center. The meeting was hosted by Ma Shuang, Director of International Exchanges Department at LNU.




 In his speech, Professor Yu Miaojie reviewed the cooperation between LNU and Earth Charter International (ECI) since 2022. He pointed out that this year marks the tenth anniversary of President Xi’s proposal for the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. The establishment of the Earth Charter Education Center at LNU, in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Earth Charter International (ECI), remains an important initiative for implementing President Xi’s concept for mankind. Its aim is to further enhance recognition among teachers and students of their interdependence within the global community, of the concept of a human family, and of the shared responsibility for the well-being of future generations. The collaboration also focuses on promoting sustainable lifestyles and sustainable models of human development. 



Vice President Huo Chunhui attending the ceremony





 Mirian Vilela, on behalf of Earth Charter International (ECI), delivered a speech praising LNU for its significant efforts and remarkable achievements in the past year in the field of Earth Charter sustainable development education and youth leadership programs. The ECI organization, she emphasized, is deeply impressed by these achievements and will spare no effort in promoting Liaoning University to become the first Chinese university to join Earth Charter International. 




 Fang Hong, Executive Director of the ECI China Center, expressed how LNU has clear advantages and enjoys high-level attention for its leadership. The establishment of Earth Charter Center at the university is visionary, and Fang noted that she will spare no effort in supporting all the efforts of LNU’s Earth Charter Education Center. 



Ma Shuang hosting the ceremony



    As a representative of the faculty members, Yin Ruyu stressed that, as educators, we should not only be carriers of sustainable development ideas but also producers of love for the Earth. We should, she continued, pass on the core principle of sustainable development education, which is the “care and symbiosis between humans and the Earth,” to every student. 




 On behalf of all the students who participated in the training, Xi Ziyinnan emphasized that the opportunity to engage in sustainable development education and international youth leadership programs has been immensely rewarding. Having broadened their horizons, the programs increase determination to contribute their efforts to the building and development of a community for the shared future of mankind.




Yu Miaojie and Mirian Vilela jointly unveiled the plaque for the establishment of the Earth Charter Education Center at Liaoning University. They also awarded graduation certificates to 115 representatives of faculty members and students who participated in the first phase of the Earth Charter sustainable development education and youth leadership training program at LNU. Lastly, the opening ceremony for the second phase of the Earth Charter Youth Leadership Training Program was held, with Mirian Vilela, the Executive Director of ECI, delivering the first lecture of the training course and engaging in interactions with the teachers and students present.

The meeting was attended by officials from the Academic Affairs Office, Youth League Committee, International Exchanges Department, Faculty of Economics, and other relevant departments.