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LNU Holds Alumni Return Day Activities on the 75th Anniversary of Its Founding

Date: 2023-09-17    Source: 


On September 16, 2023, on the 75th anniversary of its founding, Liaoning University held alumni return day activities with the theme Home - Golden Time of Gingkgo. Pan Yishan, Secretary of the Party Committee of LNU, Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of LNU, Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of LNU, Zhang Hongxin, Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection, and Huo Chunhui, Vice President of LNU attended. School leaders, alumni representatives, heads of school functional departments and units, teachers and students also joined the activities.






Secretary Pan delivered a speech at the performance activities of music, poems, and paintings. He expressed his warm welcome to alumni and guests on behalf on the whole school and kind greetings and sincere thanks to friends from all walks of life who have shown long-term care and support to the development of LUN and alumni at home and abroad.  

He noted that LNU was born at the dawn of the founding of the New China and developed as part of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Since its founding, LNU has been committed to cultivating talents for the Party and China, firmly grasping the purpose of running a socialist school, implementing the fundamental task of training virtuous talents and constantly innovating talent training modes. With these efforts, the innovative power of scientific research has been greatly stimulated. At the same time, LNU is harvesting more tangible fruits by serving the society through tackling real issues and by showing strong momentum in nurturing high-level talents. On top of that, international exchanges and cooperation continue to expand and the internal governance system and service guarantee system at the university are improving, achieving a qualitative leap in the level and capacity of running the school. Braving the winds and the rain for 75 years, LNU has shaped its unique characters and spirits, fostering patriotism, faithfulness, inclusiveness, opening up, diligence and perseverance.

Secretary Pan continued that the temperament presented by the alumni represents the best of LNU. Being prominent representatives from all walks of life, the alumni have not only won high honor for their alma mater, but also offered huge support for the university’s reform and development. The glorious history of talent training is completed by all the alumni, which is a precious treasure that will always be enshrined. By providing constant care, attention, and service to alumni, and by gathering them  together, LNU will work so that more alumni, together with social forces, continue to engage in the development of LNU.   

He stressed that 2023, being the 75th anniversary of LNU’s founding, is the best time for its development, especially after the hard work and tenacious struggles of previous generations. The development of LNU calls for the unity of all its staff, but also requires gathering the overwhelming power of its alumni. By doing so, LNU and its alumni will become a cultural community that inherits and practices its characters and spirits, a responsible community that aims to build a “Double First-Class” university. It will be a community of shared destiny that walks in the same direction with common targets to create a better tomorrow together through mutual assistance and joint efforts. Secretary Pan added that he sincerely welcomes alumni to visit LNU often and expressed a lasting friendship from their alma mater, teachers and schoolfellows.




President Yu also delivered a keynote speech with the topic of Making Further Accomplishment by Loving the University and Revitalizing Liaoning Province and Achieving Wide-ranging Revitalization by High-level Development as a ‘Double First-Class’ university. He noted that LNU had walked side by side with the development of the PRC when it was born. This fertile soil inherits the red genes of the older generation of revolutionary heroes, leaders and founders who founded the school. It also embodies the eternal and endless blood feelings of several generations of LNU; and displays the spirit of pursuing excellence and taking on missions of every student. During the reform and opening up period, LNU formed a sound foundation with applied disciplines as the priority, finance and economy-related disciplines enjoying outstanding advantages, literature and history disciplines put on a strong basis, and science and engineering disciplines growing rapidly. At the turn of the century, LNU successfully ranked among the 100 key universities in China. Entering the new era, LNU successfully became a national “Double First-Class” university, embarking on a new journey of building a world-class discipline university. This fertile soil has also nurtured and nourished generations of famous teachers who inherit the spirits, feelings and temperament of Liaoning University with their unique teaching styles. It has also cultivated thousands of students, who are striving in all walks of life and devoting their wisdom and strength to economic and social development.   

He pointed out that LNU had made remarkable achievements in the new era that gives equal importance to both high-level and high-quality development. World-class discipline construction in LNU has shown multi-dimensional historical breakthroughs in terms of the introduction of iconic leading talents, the 5th round of discipline evaluation, publications in top international papers, publications and monographs in world's top publishing companies, as well as Project of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. In terms of talent training, LNU has made new achievements in innovative and practical talent training modes. New breakthroughs have also been made in building high-end thinktank platforms and high-end academic platforms while continuous progress has been made on international exchanges and cooperation as a way to enhance international influence.

He stressed that LNU will take the 75th anniversary as a new starting point to adhere to its original aspiration of training talents for the Party and China. With a firm belief that our generation is responsible for the prosperity of the nation, LNU will strive to become a comprehensive research-oriented high-level university that is domestically top-ranking while internationally famous. It will retain its unique local features live up to the expectations of all, hold a high political stance and take more responsibility.




President Yu and Vice President Huo awarding the Honor Cup to some outstanding alumni 



Deputy Secretary Sun hosting the theme of Loving the University and Revitalizing Liaoning Province



Secretary Zhang reading the list of Honor Cupwinners







Alumni representatives Yang Zhanxu, Vice President of Liaoning Petrochemical University, Doctoral supervisor, and Mr. Yu Bo from Boyu Metal Co Ltd, delivering keynote speeches




As part of the theme Loving the University and Revitalizing Liaoning Province, participants engaged in in-depth interactive exchanges on the topic of Assisting LNU in Achieving High-quality Development’. Speakers included:  Zhu Can, President of SINVOGROUPZhao Xiaodong, General Manager of Shanghai Yi'aimu Energy-saving Engineering Technology Co Ltd; Xu Feng, former General Manager of Guangdong Holdings Limited; Guo Jianbo, President of Inland Real-Estate Group; Tian Tian, Vice-president of Hangzhou Zhexin IT Co Ltd; Shen Bai, President of Shenyang World Trade Centers Co Ltd; Liu Hongwei, President of Shenyang Jinxin Development Co Ltd; Pu Yu, General Manager of Shenyang Damei Human Resources Service Co Ltd; Sun Gang, Dalian Zhuangyuanhai Eco-seeding Co Ltd; and Han Jiuwei, Executive Director of Dalian Hongyidacheng International Trade Co Ltd.




Poetry recitals, dances and songs on the themes of My Arrival, Young Forever and Eternal Guardian expressed the feelings and best wishes of students to their alma mater.


My Arrival






Young Forever 







Eternal Guardian