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Liaoning University Hosts the 14th China Evolutionary Economics Annual Conference

Date: 2023-10-06    Source: 

The 14th China Evolutionary Economics Annual Conference, jointly organized by the Faculty of Economics at Liaoning University and the Secretariat of China Evolutionary Economics Annual Conference, was successfully held in Shenyang. More than 110 experts and scholars from over 30 domestic universities and research institutions, including the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University, Fudan University, and Renmin University of China, as well as representatives from over 10 media outlets, attended the conference.

Among the notable participants were Professor Hu Leming, President of the China Society for Foreign Economic Theory Research and Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Evaluation Research Institute; Professor Jia Genliang, former Chairman of the China Evolutionary Economics Annual Conference and recipient of the National Talent Award; and Professor Meng Jie, Vice President of the National Society of Marxist Political Economy, Director-General of the China Political Economy Annual Conference, Editor-in-Chief of The Chinese Journal of Political Economy, and recipient of the National Talent Award.



Professor Li Zheng, Dean of the School of Economics at Liaoning University, presided over the opening ceremony. Professor Xie Di, the Deputy Director in charge of daily work at the Department of Economics, Liaoning University, and Professor Yang Hutao, the rotating chair of the China Evolutionary Economics Annual Conference, delivered speeches. Professor Li Zheng introduced the background and overview of the conference, extending a warm welcome to the distinguished guests and representatives on behalf of the School of Economics. Professor Xie Di introduced the construction of the Faculty of Economics at Liaoning University and its first-class discipline in Applied Economics, expressing gratitude for the long-standing attention and support towards the development of the economics discipline at Liaoning University. In his speech, Professor Yang Hutao mentioned that the emergence of evolutionary economics provides a new perspective for understanding the complexity and dynamics of economic systems. However, the research and application of evolutionary economics still faces various challenges, such as exploring the basic theories, expanding the scope of evolutionary economics to more fields, and using evolutionary economics to support the construction of China’s modernization in a Chinese way. He expressed his expectation that scholars in relevant fields will further promote the dissemination and development of evolutionary economics in China.

During the morning session on September 23rd, the first stage of the conference featured keynote speeches. Professor Jia Genliang from Renmin University of China elaborated on the emergence of modern monetary theory, its theoretical framework, and its close connection with the history of economic thought. Professor Xie Di from Liaoning University analyzed the important role and function of the state-owned economy in promoting common prosperity from the perspective of economic leverage principles. Professor Meng Jie from Fudan University systematically expounded on the Chinese characteristics of industrial policy system and the underlying basic institutions, market, and competitive factors. Professor Li Jiande from Jiangxi Normal University analyzed the paradigm and methodological issues in current Marxist research. Associate Professor Feng Kaidong from Peking University discussed the necessity and mechanisms of the new national system in competing for the “organizational leadership” of innovation under the current external uncertainty environment. This stage of keynote speeches was moderated by Professor Hu Leming from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Professor Zhang Xukun from Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics provided a summary and comments.

In the second stage of the conference on the morning of the 23rd, Professor Li Zheng from the School of Economics at Liaoning University analyzed and interpreted the issue of developing new quality productive forces based on the innovation and economic development theory of evolutionary economics. Researcher Zeng Yunmin from Guangdong Provincial Academy of Social Sciences critically reviewed the mainstream environmental economics, ecologism, and neo-Schumpeterian economics literature in the field of green innovation-driven dual carbon transition from the perspective of evolutionary economics. Professor Yan Peng from Huazhong Normal University narrated the story of the evolution and development of the machine tool industry in China, analyzing the industrial characteristics of strategy, learning, and catching up in different stages of development. Assistant Professor Jiang Ziying from Xiamen University summarized the important role of the state in strategic control and organizational integration based on the practice of developing large-scale aircraft in China to create a new national system. Associate Professor Li Lili from Renmin University of China elucidated the debate and evolutionary direction of the two different paradigms, “rigor” and “relevance”, in current economic research from the perspective of the history of economic thought and put forward personal insights. This stage of keynote speeches was moderated by Professor Yang Hutao from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Professor Zhang Lin from Yunnan University provided a summary and comments.

In the afternoon session, there were four parallel sub-forums for in-depth discussions on theoretical and practical hot topics in four areas: “Real Problems of the Chinese Economy”, “Foundational Theories and Intellectual History of Evolutionary Economics”, “Modern Monetary Theory and Evolutionary Macroeconomics”, and “Digital Economy and Ecological Economy”. Over 40 experts and scholars participated in these sub-forums. Simultaneously, at the Puhe campus of Liaoning University, there was a face-to-face exchange between representatives from academic journals and young scholars.



During the first stage of the morning session of the 24th, Director Li Rengui from the Editorial Department of the journal Economic Perspectives provided an in-depth and systematic overview and introduction of female economists and feminist economics from the perspective of the history of economic thought. He covered relevant issues, classic works, and academic influences. Professor He Jun from the School of Economics at Liaoning University showcased the China-style modernization index system he constructed and conducted cluster analysis and regional comparisons on the evolving trends of China-style modernization development levels. Professor Zhao Lei from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics analyzed the mechanisms between capital expansion behavior and economic inequality from the perspective of the discourse system of neoclassical economics. Professor Cheng Haoyan from Dongguan University of Technology systematically expounded on the philosophical foundation and logical analytical framework of the innovation-evolution perspective. Professor Deng Jiugen from Jiangxi Normal University presented his academic perspective on the debate over the importance of markets versus technology from the viewpoint of evolutionary economics, proposing that markets are more important than technology and analyzing the underlying reasons. This stage of keynote speeches was moderated by Professor Ye Mancheng, the Deputy Dean of the School of Economics at Liaoning University, and Professor Li Jiande from Jiangxi Normal University provided comments and insights.

During the second session of the morning session of the 24th, Associate Professor Liu Zhaoyang from Jilin University analyzed the nature and evolution of money from the perspective of transactional evolution and marginal analysis of sectoral balance sheets. Xue Qihang from Shandong University argued for the positive impact and theoretical mechanisms of digital economic development on women’s empowerment, and also proposed policy recommendations. Associate Professor Fu Yi from Central South University analyzed the mechanism of upgrading the elderly service industry chain driven by the digital economy. This stage of keynote speeches was moderated by Director Wang Yanmei from the Editorial Department of the academic journal China Industrial Economics, and Professor Yang Wandong, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Economic Theory and Business Management, provided comments and insights.



The closing ceremony was presided over by Professor He Jun, the Deputy Dean of the School of Economics at Liaoning University. Professor Yang Hutao from the Economic Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences delivered the concluding speech, summarizing the conference. Representatives from the host institution of the 15th Chinese Evolutionary Economics Annual Conference also delivered speeches. The conference concluded successfully, achieving the expected outcomes, and actively promoting the original development of evolutionary economics in China. It delved into major theoretical and practical issues concerning China’s reform and development under the new development paradigm. The conference also provided a diverse and innovative academic research perspective and vision for the participating faculty and students.