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An Inspiring Message for “Double First-Class” Construction: the Philosophy & Social Science, Journal of LNU Selected for the Extended Source Periodicals of CSSCI

Date: 2023-10-06    Source: 

Philosophy & Social Science, Journal of Liaoning University has received a certificate of inclusion for 2023 to 2024 from the Institute for Chinese Social Sciences Research and Evaluation of Nanjing University, indicating that the journal is once again selected for  the Extended Source Periodicals of CSSCI.  

Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) is managed by the Institute for Chinese Social Sciences Research and Evaluation of Nanjing University as a citation database of humanities and social sciences, and is the most influential evaluation system of social science journals in China.

Established in 1959, Philosophy & Social Science, Journal of LNU is committed to presenting the latest achievements in academic research through harnessing the rich humanities and social science resources of LNU. It focuses on cutting-edge issues in various fields of humanities and social sciences at home and abroad as well as combining basic theories with practical problems. For many years, the Journal has been selected for the Core Journals of China, the Extended Source Periodicals of CSSCI, the Extended Journal of Comprehensive Evaluation of AMI in Humanities and Social Sciences in China, National Top 100 Social Science Journals in Higher Institutions and National Famous Journals of Social Sciences in Higher Institutions, showing its strong commitment to building a high quality platform to disseminate thoughts and promote academic exchanges, as well as making positive contributions to contemporary academic research.

To increase academic influence, the Journal of Liaoning University will work to help LNU build world-class disciplines and make unremitting efforts to produce high quality periodicals and journals with correct consensus guides, optimized columns, and regulated reviewing procedures.



To take full advantage to the journal's role in disseminating thoughts and promoting academic exchanges, a new session of the editorial board was established in Sept. 2023 after it was discussed and approved by the President's office meeting. This year's editorial board consists of 31 famous scholars with high reputation in various academic fields in China, including 12 in economics, three in law, five in politics, two in Marxist theory, two in literature and journalism and communication, four in history, two in management and one in art. Each member in the board will play an important role in promoting the Journal’s influence and high quality development.

The board members are (listed alphabetically):



Honorary Editor-in-chief: Zhou Haobo, former Party Secretary and Doctoral Supervisor of Liaoning University. He was a member of the Party Group of the Educational Department of Liaoning Province, Deputy Director of the Educational Department of Liaoning Province, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group, and Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee in Higher Institutions of Provincial Party Committee. He is also President of Liaoning Association of Higher Education and Executive Director of China Association of Higher Education.



Editor-in-Chief: Yu Miaojie, a representative of the 14th National People’s Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress of Liaoning Province, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University. He is a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, a part-time Vice Chairman of Liaoning Federation of Social Sciences, a winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, an outstanding young scientist of Beijing and a Liberal-Art Chair Professor at Peking University. He also serves as Vice President of the China Society of World Economics, Vice President of the Chinese Association of Quantitative Economics, Vice President of the China Society of Industrial Economics, Vice President of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies, Secretary-General of the International Consortium for China Studies, and is a member of the Economic and Trade Policy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Commerce.






Yu Hongjun, Chair Professor at Peking University, professor of Guanghua School of Management, Ph.D. supervisor, former Deputy Secretary of Peking University Party Committee. He is currently Deputy Director of Peking University School Affairs Committee, Vice Chairman of Beijing City Federation of Social Science Circles and Chairman of Peking University Institute of Strategic Studies. 



Wang Yiming, currently Vice Chairman of China Center for International Economic Exchanges, member of the 13th CPPCC and Economic Committee, former Deputy Director and researcher of the State Council Development Research Center. He is also a Ph.D. supervisor of the China Academy of Social Sciences and a part-time Professor of Renmin University of China. He was Executive Vice President of the Academy of Macroeconomic Research of the National Development and Reform Commission and Deputy Secretary General of the Commission. 



Wang Zhenyu, Dean of Sub National Fiscal Research Institute of Liaoning University, currently Executive Director of China Fiscal Society, President of Liaoning Fiscal Society, Vice Chairman of the 9th Academic Committee of LNU, and Honorary Editor-in-chief of Sub National Fiscal Research. He is a member of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, a think tank expert of the Provincial People's Congress Financial and Economic Committee, and a think tank expert of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference.



Qiu Huanguang, professor and Dean of School of Agriculture and Rural Development at Renmin University of China, a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, Ph.D. supervisor. He is an economic scientist of the National Agricultural Technology System, Deputy Secretary-general of the Chinese Association of Agricultural Economics and Deputy Director of the Youth Committee, Deputy Secretary-general of the China Society for Rural Development and Director of the Committee of Young Scholars and Vice President and Secretary-general of Beijing Association of Agricultural Economics. 



Jiang Xiaojuan, President of the China Society of Industrial Economics, professor of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, former Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council and Dean of School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University.



Li Shanmin, Director of the Department of Economics and Management of Sun Yat-sen University, Dean of Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University, Ph.D. supervisor and former Vice President of Sun Yat-sen University. He is also Dean of the Comprehensive Research Institute of Free Trade Zone of Sun Yat-sen University, Dean of the Institute of Advanced Finance of Sun Yat-sen University, and a member of the National MBA Teaching Steering Committee.


Zhang Yuyan, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, researcher, Director and Ph.D.supervisor of the Institute of World Economics and Politics. He is Chairman and a Chief Expert of the National Institute for Global Strategy. He is a representative of the 18th National People’s Congress, member of the 13th and 14th CPPCC, Dean of the School of International Political Economy of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is also President of China Society World Economics, President of China Society of Emerging Economies, a member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a member of the China Public Diplomacy Association. 





Tong Jiadong, professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Nankai University, former Vice President of Nankai University. He is Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee for International Business Teaching of the Ministry of Education, Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee for International Economy and Trade Teaching of the Ministry of Education, Vice President of China Society of World Economics and Vice President of Chinese Association for European Studies, and a distinguished professor for the National Talent program.



        Lin Muxi, senior professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Liaoning University. He is a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, a well-known teacher in China and a leading talent in the National Talent Program. He is a member of the Applied Economics Group of the 6th and 7th Discipline Evaluation Group of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and an expert in the Discipline Planning Evaluation Group of The National Social Science Fund of China.  



         Lin Yifu, member of the Standing Committee of CPPCC, Deputy Director of Economic Committee, Counselor to the State Council, a Chair Professor at Peking University, Dean of Institute of New Structural Economics of Peking University, Honorary Dean of National School of Development of Peking University, Dean of Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development of Peking University, Academician of The World Academy of Sciences, a Foreign Academician of the British Academy, and former Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank. 




        Yao Shujie, Dean of Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research of Liaoning University, a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, Vice Chairman of the 10th Academic Committee of Liaoning University and Secretary General of the Center for Urbanization and Regional Innovation Pole Development. 




Xie Di, Deputy Director of the Faculty of Economics of Liaoning University, Ph.D. supervisor, a leading talent of philosophy and social sciences in the National Talent Project of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, Chief Expert of major projects of the National Social Science Fund of China, and member of the New Century Talent of the Ministry of Education.






        Liu Jianwen, professor of Law School of Liaoning University, professor of Law School of Peking University, Ph.D. supervisor, a distinguished Professor of National Talent Program, Director of Tax Law Research Center of Peking University, Dean of Liaoning University New Era Finance and Tax Law Research Institute, concurrently President of China Association for Fiscal and Tax Law and Executive Director of the China Law Society.





        Zhang Shouwen, a Chair Professor at Peking University, Ph.D. supervisor, a distinguished professor of the National Talent program, former Dean of Peking University Law School, concurrently President of China Law Society Economic Law Research Association.






Yang Song, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shenyang Normal University, Deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, Ph.D. supervisor and Vice Chairman of the Legal Committee of Liaoning Provincial People's Congress. She is a distinguished professor and a leading talent in philosophy and social sciences in the National Talent Program.






        Wang Jisi, professor at Peking University School of International Studies, a Chair Professor at Peking University, a member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in China. He was President of Peking University School of International Studies and founding President of Peking University Institute of International and Strategic Studies. 





        Wang Puqu, a Chair Professor at Peking University, President of Peking University Research Center for Xi Jinping Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era and a professor and Ph.D. supervisor of School of Government of Peking University, Dean of Institute of National Governance Studies of Peking University, a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program. He is also the convener of the political discipline appraisal group of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and Director of the Teaching Steering Committee of Political Science Major in Higher Institutions of the Ministry of Education.




        Li Shuyun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Liaoning University. She is a member of the National Hundred,Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project, a member of the Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions and a winner of special government allowances of the State Council. She is Executive Director of the National Institute of International Politics, member of the Academic Committee, and Director of the China National Association for International Studies.




        Yu Keping, Dean of School of Government of Shenzhen University, a Chair Professor at Peking University, Director of PKU Research Center for Chinese Politics and Ph.D. supervisor. He was Deputy Director of Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, visiting Professor and senior researcher at Harvard University and Duke University in the USA, Free University and Duisburg-Essen University in Germany, University of Nottingham in the UK, Director of Kaifeng Institute for Political Development in Tsinghua University, and part-time professor at Tsinghua University and Renmin University of China.





Yuan Ming, Honorary President of Yenching Academy of Peking University, professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Peking University School of International Studies, Honorary Professor of Hong Kong University, member of the 9th, 10th and 11th CPPCC, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Committee of CPPCC, and Director of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs. She was a senior researcher at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Brookings Institution in Washington, USA.


Marxist Theory




        Fang Guangshun, a first-class discipline leader of Marxist theory in Liaoning University, Ph.D. supervisor. He was Director of the Publicity Department of the Party Committee of Liaoning University, Executive Vice President of the School of International Relations, Dean of the School of Marxism, and Secretary of the General Party Branch.




Xie Xiaojuan, Dean of School of Marxism of Liaoning University and Ph.D. supervisor. She is Executive Deputy Director of Counselor Training and Research Base of Ministry of Education, leader of key disciplines of ideological and political education in Liaoning Province, and an expert in Project Evaluation of Liaoning Philosophy and Social Science Fund. 


Literature, Journalism and Communication




Kang Zhen, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing Normal University. He is a distinguished professor and leader of the National Talent program, a Chief Expert of major projects of the National Social Science Fund, and concurrently Executive Director of China Tang Literature Society.




        Cheng Lihong, Dean of School of Journalism and Communication of Liaoning University, Ph.D. supervisor, a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, a member of the New Century Outstanding Talent of the Ministry of Education, a famous cultural figure and distinguished professor in Liaoning Province.






        Deng Xiaonan, professor of Peking University History Department, professor of China Ancient History Research Center, Ph.D. supervisor, Chair Professor at Peking University, Vice President of Association of Chinese Historians, Counselor of the State Council and a famous teacher at a national level. She was President of China Song History Research Society, Vice President and Director of China History Society, Director of China Song History Research Society and a researcher of Peking University Women's Research Center. 




Chen Pingyuan, a Chair Professor at Peking University, a member of the China Central Institute for Culture and History, a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, Director of Modern China Institute of Humanities in Peking University, Dean of Chaozhou Culture Institute of Jinan University. He was head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Peking University, member of the 6th and 7th Chinese Language and Literature Evaluation Group of the State Council Academic Degree Committee, Chair Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and President of the Chinese Institute of Folk Literature.





        Chen Chunsheng, Party Secretary of Sun Yat-sen University, professor of History Department and Ph.D.supervisor. He is also Deputy Director of the Steering Committee of History Teaching of the Ministry of Education, member of the Evaluation Expert Committee of Undergraduate Teaching in Higher Institutions of the Ministry of Education, member of the Steering Committee of Students' Cultural Quality Education in Higher Institutions of the Ministry of Education, Director of Association of Chinese Historians and China Economic History Society, Executive Director of China Social History Society and President of Guangdong Historical Society. 





        Qian Chengdan, professor of Peking University History Department, Chair Professor at Peking University, Dean of Peking University Institute of World History, Ph.D. supervisor, member of Expert Evaluation Team of The National Social Science Fund of China, member of Social Science Committee of Ministry of Education and President of China British History Research Association. He was a member and convener of the evaluation group of history discipline of the 4th, 5th and 6th the State Council Academic Degrees Committee.


Management Science




        Huo Chunhui, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Liaoning University, Vice President and Ph.D. supervisor. He is also Vice President of the Chinese Institute of Business Administration, Vice President of Liaoning Western Returned Scholars Association, a member of the American Management Association, Deputy Director of Liaoning Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools Expert Committee, Vice President of Fudan University Postdoctoral Alumni Association and Executive President of Liaoning Branch. 




        Wei Minghai, Party Secretary, President and Ph.D. supervisor of Guangzhou University. He is also President of Guangzhou Overseas Returned Scholars Association and Executive Director of Accounting Society of China. He was Vice President of Sun Yat-sen University, a member of the 7th Discipline Evaluation Group (Business Administration Group) of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and Vice Chairman of the 5th National Postgraduate Education Steering Committee for Business Management.







        Peng Feng, Dean, professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Peking University Art School, a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, convenor of the State Council Art Theory Discipline Evaluation Group, Secretary-General of Art Theory Teaching Steering Committee of Higher Institutions of the Ministry of Education, Vice President of the Chinese Aesthetics Association, Director of China Literature and Art Critics Association, Director of China Artists Association and Executive Member of International Association for Aesthetics.


Director of Editorial Board




Liu Junting, professor and Ph.D.supervisor at the School of Finance and Trade of Liaoning University, Secretary of the Party Branch directly under the Journal of Liaoning University. He is a member of peer review expert of communication evaluation of The National Social Science Fund of China, a member of China Postdoctoral Science Fund Communication Evaluation Expert Group, member of Communication Evaluation Expert Group of Degree and Postgraduate Education Development Center of Ministry of Education, member of Decision-making Advisory Committee of Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, member of Discipline Evaluation Expert Group of Liaoning Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievement Award, evaluation expert of Shenyang Philosophy and Social Sciences Award, and an anonymous reviewer of CSSCI journals.