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CHINADAILY reports a warm story of Sadaf Noor, a Pakistani student at Liaoning University

Date: 2023-10-20    Source: 

Recently, CHINADAILY interviewed a Pakistani student who is studying at Liaoning University about how the Belt and Road Initiative benefits her country. Below is the original report.

Sadaf Noor, a Pakistani student in China, was amazed to find that a tire factory in her hometown, Long March Tyre, is headquartered in the same province as her university, Liaoning University.

When Noor visited the Long March Tyre factory, she learned that it is the first joint venture company to invest in and build a full steel radial truck tire plant in Pakistan. The factory has created jobs for the local community and boosted the region's economy.

Founded in 2003, Chaoyang Long March Tyre Co Ltd focuses on research, production, and sales of full steel radial truck tires. The company has responded to the national Belt and Road Initiative by investing in Pakistan to address the transportation industry's development challenges.

"We have complete confidence in the joint venture factory in Pakistan and will make it a benchmark factory, benefiting the people of China and Pakistan," said Li Qingwen, Chairman of Long March Tyre.

Liaoning University, a key university under the national "211 Project", has been educating international students since 1965, attracting students from over 40 countries and regions.

Due to the university's growing reputation and improved teaching conditions for international students, the number of foreign students has increased every year, making Liaoning province and the northeastern region a top choice for international students.

"I see a bright future for the China-Pakistan friendship at Long March Tyre in Liaoning. I believe I will find more surprises here," Noor said.

2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Chen Chang and Zhang Zhendong contributed to the story.