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Yu Miaojie Attends Anniversary of Signing of Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship and Farewell Reception for Consul-General

Date: 2023-10-24    Source: 

On October 23, 2023, Professor Yu Miaojie, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, the deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and president of Liaoning University, attended the 45th anniversary commemoration of the signing of the Japan-China Peace and Friendship Treaty and the farewell reception for the Consul-General at the Japanese Consulate-General in Shenyang.

Takashi Katae, Consul-General of the Japanese Consulate in Shenyang and Luo Li, Director of Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Liaoning Province, delivered opening speeches. Both sides reviewed the historical process of the signing of the the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship, and reaffirmed its important practical significance and guiding role.

After listening to a series of achievements in sister-city cooperation between the Japanese Consulate in Shenyang and the Foreign Affairs Office in recent years, Yu Miaojie briefly exchanged views with Consul-General Katae. Yu Miaojie expressed his gratitude to the Japanese Consulate in Shenyang and Consul-General Katae for their long-term support and assistance to Liaoning University. He also expressed his best wishes to Consul-General Katae on his  departure.

After the exchange, Yu Miaojie took a commemorative photo with Consul-General Takashi Katae and visited the exhibition showcasing the The Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship and the theme of Sino-Japanese friendly exchanges.