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Signing Ceremony between Liaoning University and the University of Science of Malaysia

Date: 2023-10-19    Source: 

On October 19, 2023, Liaoning University conducted an online signing ceremony with the University of Science, Malaysia. Vice President Shi Baodong represented the university and delivered a speech. Officials from the Student Affairs Office, Graduate School, School of Social Sciences, Institute of Science and Technology, and International Exchanges Department participated in the signing ceremony.

Vice President Shi Baodong gave a general overview of Liaoning University and introduced its achievements and development advantages. He reviewed the nearly 50-year cooperation history between China and Malaysia since the establishment of diplomatic relations and expressed the expectation for steady progress and innovative development in the cooperation between the two countries. He also emphasized the importance of enhancing the quality and efficiency of the university’s internationalization efforts, promoting the improvement and development of international exchanges and cooperation, and actively establishing a high-quality international image and brand for the university. Furthermore, he stressed the focus on enhancing the university’s international competitiveness, thus contributing to the “Double First-Class” construction, and on providing strong support and guidance.



The signing ceremony was coordinated by the Asia-Europe Culture and Education Cooperation Promotion Association. Liaoning University, along with Guilin Medical University, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, and Suzhou City College, signed MOUs with the University of Science, Malaysia.