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Group Leader Pan Yishan Participates in the Revision Conference of the Safety Regulations on Coal Mines

Date: 2023-10-31    Source: 

On Oct. 26, 2023, the revision conference of the Safety Regulations on Coal Mines, organized by the Department of Policies, Regulations, Science and Technology Equipment of National Mine Safety Administration, was held in Beijing, in which the overall revision work was introduced. Each specialized research group reported their work progress while groups in revising, editing and reviewing, and consulting offered suggestions. The conference was attended by Zhou Dechang, Deputy Director of NMSA and its CPC member, with a speech, and by Pan Yishan, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Liaoning University and group leader of revision on rockburst. The conference was hosted by Xue Jianguang of the department.



Deputy Director Zhou stressed the need to be fully aware of the significance of revising the Safety Regulations on Coal Mines, which serves as an important step to implementing the decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on safety in production. It also makes sense to draw lessons on safety accidents in coal mines and provides a radical solution in promoting the transformation of safety management modes to a pre-prevention approach. He said the revision work should be carried out by taking consideration of coordinated development and safeguarding the safety and health of coal miners in a holistic perspective.

Deputy Director Zhou continued that the Opinions of General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening Mine Safety Production should be implemented, making an effective connection with the People's Republic of China Mine Safety Law and the Regulations on Coal Mine Safety Production to improve the technical system of coal mine safety. He added that there was a need to effectively resolve the ingrained problems that undermine safety production by taking technical and management measures and by making sure the revised content really works by targeting the outstanding problems exposed in the safety accidents. In addition, he identified the need to actively promote reliable new technologies, equipment, materials and techniques to strengthen informatization and intelligence. Moreover, there is a need to fully study the coal seam conditions in different areas and the differences in technologies and equipment with a scientific, prospective and practical attitude to ensure that revision stands the test of time and practice. Professor Pan offered suggestions as the group leader of revision on rockburst.



Originally known as the Trial Regulations for Technical Security in Coal Mines and published in September 1951, the regulation serves as an integral part of China’s system of safety production laws and regulations after nine comprehensive revisions and six revisions on partial articles. In a dominant position in the field of coal mine safety production, the regulation not only represents an important basis for safety production supervision and enforcement, but also a crucial guideline to regulate coal mine safety production behaviors. With a leading role to play, Liaoning University, guided by Professor Pan, launched the revision on the rockburst section of the Safety Regulations on Coal Mines and the revision on the Detailed Rules for Prevention and Control of Coal Mine Rockburst.

This conference was joined by over 60 experts from more than 20 companies including China Coal Technology Engineering Group, China Energy Investment Group, CCTEG Beijing China Coal Mine Engineering Co Ltd, CCTEG China Coal Research Institute, China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, Jizhong Energy Group, China Mining Products Safety Approval and Certification Center, China University of Mining and Technology, and CCTEG Shenyang Research Institute. Luo Hao, Deputy Dean of School of Information from LNU, also attended the conference.