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Orange News Interviews President Yu Miaojie: The First Supply Chain Expo Sends Multiple Positive Signals

Date: 2023-12-05    Source: 

On December 4, Orange News reported an interview about the first China International Supply Chain Expo with Professor Yu Miaojie, a deputy of the 14th National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th Liaoning Provincial People's Congress, and Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University. The original text and link are now reproduced as follows:

The global economy is now put on the spot. At present, the economic recovery is weak. Trade protectionism and economic isolationism are on the rise. Also, the global economic governance and rulemaking power game is heating up. The global industrial and supply chain pattern is accelerating reconstruction under the circumstances. Its resilience and stability are facing significant tests, which has aroused concerns from all parties.

On November 28, the five-day first China International Supply Chain Expo (hereinafter referred to as CISCE) opened in Beijing. As the first ever national level supply chain themed exposition in the world, CISCE in this year attracted a total of 515 Chinese and foreign enterprises and related institutions to participate. It brings harmony to the exhibition areas which five major industrial chains and supply chain service are located. It interprets the theme of "Connecting the World for a shared future" of the first CISCE by showcasing new technologies, products, and services in key links of each supply chain.

Gu Xueming, President of the Institute of Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce stated that China is an important participant and beneficiary of economic globalization, as well as a key node in the global industrial and supply chains. The first Chain Expo is a major measure taken by the central government to firmly defend the multilateral trading system and maintain the public goods attributes of the industrial and supply chains, adding more certainty to the current uncertain global industrial and supply chains.

According to international standards, the entire process from product development and design to raw material procurement and transportation, as well as production and distribution of semi-finished and finished products and ultimately consumption will form an efficient and collaborative chain system, which is vividly referred to as the supply chain.

China is the only country in the world that has all industrial categories listed in the United Nations Industrial Classification with a complete industrial system and strong industrial organization capabilities as well as resilient supply chain. The size of China's manufacturing industry has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years. It is accounting for nearly 30% of the proportion in the world. Its position as a global manufacturing center is constantly prominent.

Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development stated recently that it is necessary and timely to promote global business cooperation through the innovative approach of the CISCE.

It is known that at the first CISCE with a total exhibition area of 100000 square meters. There are 5 major industrial chains and one supply chain service exhibition areas were set up in the exhibition hall, including the Smart Automobile Chain, Green Agriculture Chain, Clean Energy Chain, Digital Technology Chain, and Health Life Chain. The exhibition vertically showcases advanced technologies and products in each link of the chain and future development trends while horizontally showcasing services such as finance, logistics, and platform enterprises. At this year's CISCE, international exhibitors accounted for 26% of the proportion. There are 36% of international exhibitors are the US and European enterprises which are the most. The overseas exhibitors are from 55 countries and regions. There are nearly 40 co-founder countries of "the Belt and Road".

Gu Xueming stated that the formation of global industrial and supply chains conforms to the objective laws of global economic development. During this period, China and other countries around the world achieved mutual success and common development. The first CISCE is a practical action taken by China to deepen international cooperation in industrial and supply chains. It is indicating that China is willing to continue to leverage its own advantages, strengthen trade and investment exchanges with countries around the world, as well as build a more efficient and stable global industrial and supply chain.

At this year's CISCE, all Chinese key industry and supply chain merchants made appearances and demonstrated their active willingness and ability to maintain global supply chain stability.

Yu Miaojie, President of Liaoning University believes that it can be seen that it is highly consistent with China's long-term commitment to building a new pattern of comprehensive opening up to the outside world on a larger scale, in a wider field and at a deeper level, as well as ensuring the security and resilience of the industrial and supply chains through the theme of this year's CISCE. In response to the intention of some Western countries to "decouple" from China and promote "small courtyards and high walls". China has actively taken action to promote global multilateral cooperation and trade with the aim of ensuring the integrity of industrial and supply chains, which is conducive to the sustainable development of the global economy.

Yu Miaojie believes that China still needs to namely leveraging its strengths and filling in its weaknesses to ensure the security and resilience of the future industrial and supply chains. To leverage its strengths is to leverage China's core competitive advantages in areas such as high-speed railway, new energy, and machinery manufacturing, as well as to play a crucial role in the supply chain. Making up for the shortcomings is to solve the technological problem of being stuck, particularly in key areas. It is necessary to improve scientific research and technological strength and strengthen independent innovation capabilities.
