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LNU Successfully Holds “2023 International Conference on US-China Trade Disputes and Rearchitecture in Globalization”

Date: 2023-12-13    Source: 

"2023 International Conference on US-China Trade Disputes and Rearchitecture in Globalization" initiated by Center for International Finance and Economic Research (CIFER) of Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance. The conference was successfully convened on Dec. 8, and 9. It was hosted by Liaoning University and co-hosted by CIFER as well as the School of Finance and Trade at Liaoning University. The conference was both professional and innovative. There were more than 30 experts and scholars both domestic and foreign who conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the current hot topics of global concern with their cutting-edge academic background.

The global economy is facing new problems and challenges under the influence of high inflation, climate change, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2023. The quantitative easing of policies of various countries have been widely discussed and economic recovery and safeguarding people's livelihoods have become the policy consensus of various countries. But at the same time, global technological competition has intensified, trade protectionism has risen, and supply-chain security has heated up. Competition and cooperation between China and the U.S. will gradually deepen as well. It has always been a concern of the academia, the policy community, and the business community.

The conference focuses on more than ten important topics, including "Theory and Practice of International Trade Disputes", "Technological Innovation and Industrial Policy", "Trade Friction and Technological Competition", "Global Value Chain", "International Monetary System", "Green Trade", "Green Trade and ESG", "Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy", "Trade and Innovation", "Capital Flows", "Theory and Practice of Competition among Great Powers", "Trade, Innovation and Growth", "Trade Policies", and so on. This contributes to the academic wisdom for the policy making departments and proposes the solutions to the difficulties of the industry in international trade.

Professor Ju Jiandong, Chair Professor of Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance, Director of Center for International Finance and Economic Research (CIFER) and Center for Green Finance Research (CGFR), was the host of the opening ceremony. Professor Ju said that the current international trade environment is still facing complex and severe challenges and academic exchanges in related fields are particularly important in the context of globalization. Prof. Ju expects this seminar can build an open, efficient, and professional platform for scholars and audiences to exchange their research views and achievements, thereby realizing in-depth dialogue at the academic level and presenting more insights.



Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University, Yu Miaojie, delivered a speech at the conference. President Yu Miaojie mentioned that the 20th Party Congress report clearly stated, “China adheres to the basic national policy of opening-up, steadfastly pursues a mutually beneficial and win-win opening strategy, continuously provides new opportunities for the world with China’s new development, promotes the construction of an open world economy, and better benefits the people of all countries.” Expanding opening-up at a higher level is not only necessary for building a new development pattern but also a requirement for promoting high-quality development. It is of great significance to better promote the common development of the Chinese economy and the world economy. In the context of the still severe global economic situation, the major challenges facing international economic and trade exchanges, and the global governance system, President Yu Miaojie believes that the “International Conference on Trade Disputes and Rearchitecture in Globalization” is of great significance. It not only meets the needs of the development of the discipline of economics but also embodies the specific implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee by the members of Liaoning University with a high sense of responsibility. President Yu Miaojie also introduced the tremendous achievements Liaoning University has made in discipline construction, scientific research, high-end talent team, and international exchanges and cooperation over the past year. Finally, President Yu Miaojie expressed that Liaoning University is honored to gather numerous experts and scholars and he looks forward to the fruitful outcomes of this seminar for all the participants.


The current global economic situation remains severe, and international economic and trade relations, as well as the global governance system, still face significant challenges. The convening of the “International Conference on Trade Disputes and Rearchitecture in Globalization” meets the needs of the development of the discipline of economics and has a profound impact on the country's economic policy and scholars' theoretical innovation.

At the opening ceremony of the conference, the "China Trade Policy Report (2023)", compiled by the Center for International Finance and Economic Research (CIFER) at Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance, was grandly released. The report tracks and systematically analyzes China's import and export trade data and trade policies of other countries towards China on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. It professionally elaborates on the current foreign trade situation and points out potential risks. At the same time, the report suggests that China should innovate from the perspective of import and export policies to propose recommendations for improving China's foreign trade.



Nearly a thousand people gathered at the offline conference venue on the first day and nearly 30,000 online viewers watched the conference live. In addition to showcasing cutting-edge research achievements in the field of international trade, it fully demonstrates the deep analysis and high concern of domestic experts and scholars regarding international trade disputes and globalization restructuring issues. It is believed that with this conference as an opportunity, more experts, scholars, and people from all walks of life will actively engage in the long-term and far-reaching research on this topic, contributing to the development of China and the world.