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Pan Yishan Attends the Symposium on the Revision of the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Coal Mine Rockburst" and "Coal Mine Safety Regulations"

Date: 2023-12-13    Source: 



Recently, the symposium on the revision of the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Coal Mine Rockburst" and "Coal Mine Safety Regulations" was held at the University of Emergency Management. The symposium was attended by Pan Yishan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and party secretary of the CPC Committee of Liaoning University, Zhang Wenjie, an inspector of the State Administration of Work Safety, and Bu Changsen, party secretary of the CPC Committee of the University of Emergency Management. The symposium was hosted by Academician Pan Yishan.


Academician Pan Yishan presiding over the symposium


As the head of the expert group for the revision of the rockburst section of the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Coal Mine Rockburst" and "Coal Mine Safety Regulations", Academician Pan Yishan reported on the progress and achievements of the preliminary revision work. He pointed out that the "Guidelines" and "Regulations" are the fundamental basis for the prevention and control of rockburst, with a foundation, authority, popularity, professionalism, and fundamentality. He hoped that all experts would raise their political awareness and understand the situation, firmly shoulder the responsibility for the prevention and control of rockburst in coal mines, and build a legal system for the prevention and control of rockburst while firmly defending the safety of rockburst mines through the revision of the "Guidelines" and "Regulations".


Zhang Wenjie


Zhang Wenjie expressed full affirmation of the enthusiastic atmosphere of the lively discussions on-site and encouraged everyone to actively express their opinions and dare to raise questions. He pointed out the utmost importance of the revision of the "Regulations" and "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Rockburst" and hoped that all experts would complete the revision work with high standards of "strictness without being overly prescriptive and precision without being overly detailed", and define the prohibitive and normative requirements accurately.


Bu Changsen


Bu Changsen warmly welcomed Academician Pan Yishan and all the leading experts participating in the symposium in his speech. He introduced the development process, educational characteristics, and the establishment of the University of Emergency Management. He expressed gratitude to Academician Pan Yishan and the leading experts for their long-term support to the university, and hoped to receive more support during the critical period of establishing the University of Emergency Management and build closer cooperative relationships.

At the symposium, the leading experts in attendance actively voiced their opinions and engaged in in-depth discussions. In accordance with the requirements of relevant national policies and regulations and based on the actual production of mines, they carried out a word-for-word revision of the relevant provisions in the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Rockburst" and "Coal Mine Safety Regulations" regarding rockburst prevention.



The symposium was attended by over 40 leaders and experts from nearly 20 organizations, including Liu Yizhe, Director of the Department of Science and Information Technology of the State Administration of Work Safety, Hu Nengying, Assistant General Manager of Shandong Energy Group and Director of the Safety Supervision Bureau, Qi Qingxin, researcher at China Coal Research Institute, Dou Linming, Professor at China University of Mining and Technology, Professor Wang Enyuan, Liu Jiangong, Professor at Hebei University of Engineering, Ouyang Zhenhua, Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Professor of North China University of Science and Technology, as well as representatives from Liaoning University, China Coal Research Institute, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Hebei University of Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Anhui University of Science and Technology, North China Industrial University, Shandong University of Science and Technology, North China University of Science and Technology, State Administration of Mines Shandong Bureau, State Power Investment Corporation, China National Coal Group, Shandong Energy Group, Shaanxi Binchang Mining Group, Fushun Mining Group, and Huaneng Qingyang Coal and Power Company.