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Huo Chunhui Attends 14th Annual Meeting of Chinese-foreign Joint Programs and Gives Keynote Speech

Date: 2024-01-05    Source: 


The 14th annual meeting of Chinese-foreign joint programs and the eighth academic annual meeting of Chinese-foreign joint program of the China Association of Higher Education successfully held a conference in Zhengzhou. The conference was joined by a total of 800 attendees including Zhang Daliang, Vice President of CAHE and former Director of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Xu Yongji, former Deputy Director of the International Department of the Ministry of Education and former Executive Deputy Director of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of the Ministry of Education, Diao Yuhua, Deputy Director of the Education Department of Henan Province. In addition, over 100 secretaries, presidents and delegates of universities from 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government also attended. Professor Huo Chunhui, Vice President of Liaoning University was invited to attend the conference and delivered a keynote speech. Cao Jiqun, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Asia-Australia Business School of LNU also attended the meeting.




Professor Huo gave a keynote speech entitled ‘Financial Management Guarantee for High-quality Development of Chinese-foreign Joint Programs’, in which he comprehensively summarized the policies of financial management in terms of the rationales, features, challenges as well as innovations in Chinese-foreign Joint Programs. He further analyzed the complexity and uniqueness of financial management and laid out the challenges in financial management to guarantee reasonable project expenditure, accurate financial data, scientific procedure for financial management and strategic deployment of returns in Chinese-foreign joint programs. Finally, he put forward his new thoughts on the subjects.  

Under the theme of ‘Chinese-foreign Joint Programs to Build a Strong Educational Country: International Influence, Innovation and Prospect’ and its 10 sub-topics, the conference aimed at ways of strengthening talent support, promoting scientific and technological innovation and enhancing the international influence of higher education and summed up the successful experience made by opening up to promote reform. The conference also worked on how to achieve high quality development of Chinese-foreign joint programs under the new journey and provide policy and talent guarantees.