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New Education Drama “Growth” Premiered at the Opening Ceremony of First LNU Clean Culture Festival

Date: 2023-12-29    Source: 

On December 28, 2023, the opening ceremony of the first Clean Culture Festival and the premiere of the education play “Growth” were held at the auditorium of Chongshan Campus, Liaoning University. Pan Yishan, Secretary of the CPC Committee, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President, Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee, Zhang Hongxin, Secretary of the University Discipline Inspection Commission, and Vice Presidents Shi Baodong and Huo Chunhui attended the opening ceremony and watched the performance. Zhang Hongxin presided over the opening ceremony.



Pan Yishan congratulated the opening of the first Clean Culture Festival on behalf of the university CPC Committee. He pointed out that holding the Clean Culture Festival represents support for promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement. It is, he continued, an important carrier for promoting campus cultural construction, and a powerful measure cultivating a good political ecology for the campus, for one with a clear and healthy atmosphere. He hopes that all teachers and students can work together to create a good atmosphere of "learning to be clean, advocating for cleanliness, and observing cleanliness" in teaching, learning, administration, and service, so as to carefully create a clean culture that integrates Liaoning's characteristics and features of Liaoning University, and provide strong political guarantees for the high-quality development and construction of "Double First-Class" of the university.



Yu Miaojie awarded the plaque to the Liaoning University Clean Culture Association and the representatives of the Clean Culture Association of secondary units, and presented appointment letters to the instructors.



In the opening ceremony, all university leaders in attendance jointly touched the starting handprints, and with the countdown and the shocking flash of the photo album, accompanied by the bloom of the “Clean Lotus”, jointly unveiled the first Clean Culture Festival of Liaoning University.



After the opening ceremony, the attending teachers and students enjoyed the new Clean Education play “Growth” created by LNU's Discipline Inspection Commission in collaboration with the College of Art.