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Five Teachers from Liaoning University Awarded ‘Outstanding Undergraduate Tutor in Liaoning Province’

Date: 2024-02-12    Source: 

The Educational Department of Liaoning Province has announced the results of the award of ‘Outstanding Undergraduate Tutor’ in ordinary higher education institutions. 153 people have won the title as Outstanding Undergraduate Tutors in ordinary higher education institutions in Liaoning Province. The winning tutors from LNU are Bian Shu, Ding Yong, Gao Ning, Liu Zhizhong, and Yang Aibing.

        Bian Shu


Bian Shu is Dean and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Public Administration of Liaoning University and Director of the Institute of Population Research as well as a Doctoral supervisor and postdoctoral collaborator. He is a leading talent in the ‘Revitalizing Liaoning Talent’ program in Liaoning Province. He is also a cultural master and titled as ‘a talent from four field national project’ in Liaoning Province and a specially appointed professor in Liaoning Province.

He is one of the high-level talents in the ‘Hundred and Ten Thousand Talents Project’ in Liaoning Province and an innovative talent in ordinary higher education institutions in Liaoning Province. Bian Shu is a Member of the Liaoning Provincial Committee and Provincial Government Decision Advisory Committee as well as a member of the Shenyang Municipal Political Consultative Conference. He has published over 130 papers in academic journals such as Economic Research and Xinhua Digest, as well as nearly 20 works and various textbooks. He hosted more than 50 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Social Science Foundation and received more than 30 academic awards including the Liaoning Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Award for research results.

Bian Shu served as the head of the National MPA major at Liaoning University and the head of the National Social Work major at Liaoning University, as well as the head of the first-class undergraduate demonstration major in labor and social security in Liaoning Province. He served as a director of the China Social Security Association and vice president of the National Pension Association. He is also vice president of the Liaoning Provincial Social Association and vice president of the Shenyang Social Work Federation. As one of the first batch of recipients of the ‘Outstanding Young Scholars Award’ for national social security, he is a well-known scholar in the field of social security and public management.


      Ding Yong

Ding Yong is of Han ethnicity, a third level professor, and doctoral supervisor. She obtained a Ph.D. in Science from Peking University in December 2004. She currently holds the position of Vice Dean of the School of Physics at Liaoning University, and is Deputy Secretary General of the 10th and 11th sessions of the Liaoning Physics Society. She is also an expert in the evaluation of the Science Award Network in Liaoning Province, Shandong Province, Henan Province, and Hebei Province. Ding Yong worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Physics, Peking University from January 2005 to June 2007. She has been working at Liaoning University since September 2007.

Since working at Liaoning University, Ding Yong has been committed to teaching and research work. She has taught more than 10 courses, including Quantum Mechanics, to undergraduate and graduate students. She has also hosted and completed nearly 10 projects, including two National Natural Science Foundation projects and Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation projects, and published over 50 SCI papers in international academic journals. She hosted and completed four provincial and ministerial level educational reform projects and published 10 educational reform papers. In addition, she is currently constructing one provincial first-class course. Ding Yong received one Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Award; three undergraduate teaching achievement awards in Liaoning Province and two teaching achievement awards in Liaoning Province (for graduate students); and one Liaoning University Revitalization Award.

Additionally, Ding Yong has successively won the honorary titles of ‘Ten Thousand Talents Project in Liaoning Province’, ‘Ten Thousand Talents Project’, ‘Women's Meritorious’ pacesetter in Liaoning Province, ‘Women's pacesetter’ in Shenyang City, ‘March 8th Red Banner’ in Shenyang City, excellent graduate tutor in Shenyang City, excellent graduate management cadre in Shenyang City, excellent graduate tutor in Liaoning Province, famous teacher in Liaoning University, and ‘three educations’ exemplary individual in Liaoning University.

      Gao Ning


Gao Ning was born in 1979 and is a member of the Communist Party of China. She holds a Bachelor of Law degree from the Law School of Liaoning University (2001) and Master of Law from the School of Marxism, Liaoning University (2004). She also holds a Ph.D. in International Law from Wuhan University Law School (2008). She started working at the Law School of Liaoning University in 2004 and currently works as a professor and master's supervisor. She has won the titles of ‘the most beautiful teacher in Liaoning Province’, ‘exemplary individual of Shenyang university teacher ethics’, ‘famous undergraduate teacher’ and ‘excellent undergraduate teacher’ of Liaoning University.

In terms of teaching, she emphasizes innovative methods. She has guided law school students to participate in international mock court debate competitions in Chinese as well as in English on many occasions, such as JESUSUP and ICC. With the strong support of the school leaders and teachers, the competition team has achieved excellent results: from 2018 to 2022, they won the first prize in the ICC Chinese competition for five consecutive years. They also have won the championship, runner up, and third place respectively in domestic competitions and won the third place in international competitions. Besides, they have won the first prize in the ICC English Competition and Jessup English Competition multiple times, and the main course ‘International Mock Court Competition Training’ has been rated as a first-class undergraduate course in Liaoning Province.

In scientific research, Gao Ning serves society with professional knowledge of international law, and her work has supplied instruction on multiple occasions. She has led multiple projects, including those of the Ministry of Education, and won the first prize at the Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Annual Conference.

      Liu Zhizhong

Liu Zhizhong is a Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Director of the Japan Institute, and Director of the Center for International Economic Cooperation. He has been selected as an Outstanding Teacher in Liaoning Province, won the title of Top 100 Talents in Liaoning Province's ‘Million Talents Project’, and Top Young Talents in Liaoning Province's ‘Xingliao Talent Plan’, Outstanding Young Scholars in Liaoning Province's Higher Education Institutions, First Batch of Top Young Talents in Liaoning University as well as Outstanding Middle aged and Young Backbone Teachers in Liaoning University.

He serves as a director of the National Japan Economic Society, a director of the American Economic Society of China, an executive director of the Liaoning World Economic Society, an expert in the evaluation of the Liaoning Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Award, as well as a decision-making consulting committee member of the Shenyang Municipal Government. Liu Zhizhong lectured on the first-class undergraduate course ‘International Logistics’ in Liaoning Province, and won awards such as the Liaoning Province Undergraduate Teaching Achievement Award and the Liaoning University Undergraduate Teaching Achievement Award. His undergraduate students published academic papers in core journals of Peking University under his guidance, and several of his students are recommended to pursue master's degrees in well-known domestic universities such as Renmin University of China, Nankai University, and Xiamen University.

In recent years, Liu Zhizhong has published more than 30 papers in core journals such as The Economist, International Trade Issues, and World Economic Studies, and multiple papers have been reprinted by the National People's Congress. His written political advice has received multiple positive comments from provincial and ministerial level leaders. He hosted three national level projects, over 20 provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects, and has won multiple provincial-level scientific research awards.

Yang Aibing

Yang Aibing has a Ph.D. in Economics, and is Professor at the School of Economics, Master's Supervisor, and Director of the Department of National Economic Management at the School of Economics.

Yang Aibing taught 10 courses including ‘Macroeconomic Policy Analysis’ and ‘National Economic Management’ for graduate and undergraduate students. She led and participated in 36 national and provincial education reform projects and published 10 educational reform papers. She received 32 National and Provincial Excellent Teaching Achievement Awards. She also guided student teams to participate in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and obtained 15 national and provincial level project approvals as well as 12 provincial-level or above awards. She has been awarded the title of Excellent Undergraduate Teacher of Liaoning University, Excellent Communist Party Member, exemplary individual in Teacher Ethics Construction, Excellent Undergraduate Lecturer, and Excellent Head Teacher for several consecutive years.

Yang Aibing’s main research areas are national economic development and social security. She has published multiple academic papers in national and provincial-level journals. She also led and participated in multiple national and provincial-level scientific research projects as well as receiving various awards for scientific research achievements multiple times. She is also an expert in dissertation evaluation at the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, and an executive director of the Chinese Society of Macroeconomic Management Education.