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Pan Yishan Takes an Ideological and Political Course with Students

Date: 2024-03-06    Source: 

On March 5, 2024, Pan Yishan, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Liaoning University took an ideological and political course, the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History, with students majoring in pharmaceutical engineering from the School of Pharmaceutical Science at Chongshan Campus. The course was taught by Pei Yan from the School of Marxism.




Secretary Pan listened carefully with the students during the class and took notes. Teacher Pei listed the timeline of China’s modern and contemporary history, summarizing its main trends and essential features. He also interpreted the hardships and struggles of the Chinese nation during that period.

After the class, Secretary Pan had a friendly exchange with teacher Pei, getting detailed information about the course’s development, features, teaching content, teaching methods, and its introduction of real issues. They also discussed the credit percentage of practices and proposals for  further requirements to increase  teaching quality. Secretary Pan stressed that full play be given to the key role of the course to train virtuous talents by taking creative measures to make the course more targeted. By doing so, students will deepen their study experience, establish correct ideals and beliefs, and learn the correct way of thinking. He stated the need to consider students’ main role by interacting more with students during the class and by answering their questions so that they will listen more carefully. He also added that a real-issue oriented perspective should be taken to guide students to analyze and solve real issues in society by using Marxist standpoints, viewpoints, and methods. He underlined that the evaluation of undergraduate education was an opportunity, involving comprehensively reviewing the quality of such courses. In such a way, more academic achievements are produced and the course will be truly loved by students and become a ‘golden’ course that offers benefits to them. 







During his visit, Secretary Pan also visited and conducted research at the Teaching Center for Innovative Practices, Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Training Center of the School of Light Industry. 





Officers from Party Affairs Office, Department of Publicity, Teaching Affairs Department, School Construction Office and some schools of science and engineering also joined the research.