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Liaoning University and Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province held a signing ceremony for the strategic cooperation framework agreement

Date: 2024-03-16    Source: 


In the afternoon of March 14th, Liaoning University and Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province held a signing ceremony for the strategic cooperation framework agreement. Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary, President of Liaoning University and Director of the History Department of Liaoning University, Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Zhang Heming, Director of the Social Service Office, Li Yanzhi, Dean of the Department of Humanity and Social Sciences, Zhang Hongjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the History Faculty, Jin Xudong, Dean of the Archaeology and Museology School of the History Faculty, as well as representatives of the leadership team with teachers and students of the History Faculty attended the ceremony. He Dawei, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province and Director of the Bureau of Cultural Treasures, and Liu Xiaoyu, Cultural Treasure Protection and Archaeology Office of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province, attended the ceremony. The signing ceremony was presided over by Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the School Party Committee.

In the ceremony, President Yu Miaojie stated that Liaoning University will integrate scientific research with talent cultivation, disciplinary construction, as well as serve regional social and cultural development, focusing on major research fields such as the origin of Chinese civilization and cultural security of state border. It has formed its own unique advantages in researching the ten-thousand-year long cultural history of Northeast China, the construction and interpretation of the value system of Liaohe civilization as well as the exchange and learning about early civilizations in Northeast Asia from each other. We cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for the country and society, also made important contributions to local economic and social development. President Yu Miaojie hopes that the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement will serve as an opportunity for both parties to seek breakthroughs in comprehensive as well as high-level and in-depth cooperation. Both parties will focus on creating a model with high quality, competitiveness, and modernization for cooperation between a province and a university. In order to continuously promote in-depth cooperation between the two parties, we should reasonably plan and promote a series of fundamental and tractional major cooperation projects as well as make up shortcomings of each other with the mortise and tenon effect.

He Dawei, Vice Director of Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province pointed out that as the work of archaeology continues to progress and a spurt of massive achievements emerge prominently, the archaeology industry in Heilongjiang Province has entered a new stage of development. Exchange, cooperation, and sharing are becoming a new trend and new direction for the development of China's archaeology industry. The cooperation with Liaoning University is an important step forward towards seizing the new opportunities for the development of Heilongjiang's archaeology industry. He hopes that both parties will engage in-depth cooperation in the creation of the National Archaeological Site Park in Heilongjiang Province and the cultivation of archaeological professionals, as well as the fourth national cultural relics census.

Vice Secretary Sun Shiguo, represented Liaoning University, and Deputy Director He Dawei, represented the Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province, signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement fully opened a new chapter in the development of province-university cooperation.

Jin XudongDean of the Archaeology and Museology School of the Faculty of History made a statement. The Archaeology and Museology School of the Faculty of History will seize the opportunity, continue to play the role of a high-end think tank and enhance talent cultivation capabilities as well as assist local economic and social development.

Before the beginning of signing ceremony, the delegation of Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province visited the School History Museum.