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China’s Opening up - Macroeconomic Forum (COME) Phase Ⅱ held at Liaoning University

Date: 2024-04-03    Source: 


In order to thoroughly deliver on the message of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Central Financial Work Conference, explore practical measures to promote the sustained and healthy development of China’s financial industry and contribute wisdom for the goal of building a financially robust country, China’s Opening up - Macroeconomic Forum (COME) phase Ⅱ was successfully held at the office building of Puhe Campus at Liaoning University on April 2, 2024. ‘A financially robust country’ was the theme for the forum.         

The forum was attended by Professor Bai Qingxian, a famous senior economic and financial economist, educator, winner of China Outstanding Contribution Award for Financial Research and China Lifetime Achievement Award for Financial Discipline and Director of Institute of International Finance of Liaoning University. Also present were professor Yu Miaojie, a famous economist, a deputy to the 14th National People’s Congress, Deputy Secretary and President of the CPC Committee of Liaoning University, member of International Economic Association and initiator of COME; professor Yang Zhian, member of the Teaching Steering Committee on Finance of the Ministry of Education, a distinguished professor in Liaoning Province, Dean of the Budget Review and Supervision Research Institute of Liaoning University, Dean of the Local Government Debt Research Institute and Director of the Public Finance Research Center; and Mr. Yang Di, a full-time researcher of China Academy of Social Sciences-Shanghai Research Institute of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and Director of financial and business research projects. They also delivered keynote speeches at the forum.  




In his keynote speech titled ‘New Exploration and New Mission of Strategic Research of A Financially Robust Country’, Professor Bai Qingxian shared his expertise on ‘the epoch-making milestone from the perspective of epoch-making milestones’, ‘China’s modernization and Chinese characteristics’, ‘new era, new journey, new exploration and new mission’, ‘socialist finance with Chinese characteristics’, ‘economic power and financially robust power from the perspective of century-old finance’, ‘conflict and cooperation between two civilizations’, ‘implementation of the proposal of the central government to build a financially robust country’, and ‘equal and balanced emphasis on prospering the country and enriching the people’. With a broad mind and rich experience of domestic and international finance, his speech was a deep reflection on how finance can contribute to the construction of a financially robust country.





With the topic of ‘Promoting the Construction of a Financially Robust Country with Chinese Characteristics’, Professor Yu Miaojie elaborated on how to build a financially robust country and what a financially robust country looks like by presenting rich and accurate facts, a detailed introduction on related documents, and rigorous theoretical analysis in a systemic manner. He pointed out that the key to becoming a financially robust country lies in the deep understanding of the ‘six strongness’s’ put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping while noting too that sticking to and practicing the ‘eight stick-to’s’ is essential to forge a financial path with Chinese characteristics.






Based on a solid foundation in financial theories, Professor Yang Zhian made an incisive and profound interpretation of ‘local bonds’, a key financial tool, with the topic of ‘Financial Countermeasures to Promote Financial Stability from the Perspective of Building a Financially Robust Country’. He expounded on the fundamental role and far-reaching influence of fiscal policy in the process of building a financially robust country and revealed the significance of rational use of local bonds in realizing national financial strategic objectives.





Director Yang Di gave a speech titled ‘Theoretical Analysis of Building a Financially Robust Country with Chinese Characteristics’ with focus on the important message delivered at the Central Financial Work Conference. He expounded his insightful views on building a financially robust country with Chinese characteristics from the aspects of documents, theories, standards, resource allocation and strategies through rigorous logical structure and solid theories.






The forum was presided over by Professor Huo Weidong, Deputy Director of the Faculty of Economics at Liaoning University. He noted that finance bears great significance to a country and today’s forum is a concrete action to thoroughly implement the important instructions of the Central Financial Work Conference and an active response to the call to accelerate the construction of a financially robust country. The experts at the forum jointly built a grand framework for the national mission and presented a knowledge feast to the audience.   

The forum was hosted by the Faculty of Economics at Liaoning University. Leaders of the affiliated schools, representatives of teachers and students and outstanding alumni attended the conference on site. Media platforms such as Sina Weibo, WeChat Video, Bai Jiahao and Northeast News Network broadcast the forum live online with an accumulative online viewing volume of 635,200.