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Jin Guowei Conducts Investigation and Study at Liaoning University

Date: 2024-04-13    Source: 

On April 12, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province Jin Guowei visited Liaoning University to conduct investigation and study on the high-quality development of the university and its services for the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China and Liaoning.

Jin visited the "all in one" Student Service Center, History Museum of the University, Lixing Building, which is the Liberal Art Comprehensive Training and Teaching Center, Yixin Building which used by art students, to investigate the comprehensive service guarantee for students, history of schooling, discipline construction, social service and talent cultivation. 

Jin Guowei listened to a report on construction of advantageous disciplines such as applied economics and discipline inspection and supervision, the construction of a comprehensive practical training center for law teaching as well as the display of integrated educational achievements in teaching, research, and social services. He also listened to a report on construction of a scenario mechanism laboratory and the construction of a perception intelligent laboratory.

Later, Jin Guowei had friendly exchanges with teachers and students and fully affirmed the effectiveness of Liaoning University's education. He stated that Liaoning University should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast China in the new era, and wholly implement the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. It should also speed up the construction of the ‘double first-class’ initiative, thus contributing to the Three-year Action Plan for New Breakthroughs in the Comprehensive Revitalization of Liaoning Province and to the power of Liaoning University to support in practice the Chinese path to modernization in Liaoning.

Jin emphasized that Liaoning University should base itself on Liaoning and serve Northeast China and adhere to problem-oriented and demand-oriented approaches to fully leverage the advantages of comprehensive universities and demonstrate greater responsibility and achievements in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era. LNU must fully implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents as well as firming up the concept of ‘student-oriented’, to strengthen the construction of counselors and class teachers able to provide comprehensive service guarantees in all aspects of enrollment, training, and graduation. LNU should also strive to cultivate new generations who will shoulder the great responsibility of national rejuvenation. The university also needs to enhance the education management of international students and tell the story of Liaoning well as well as represent the image of Liaoning. It needs to strengthen the construction of think tanks, offer advice and suggestions for the development of the Liaoning Free Trade Zone and strive to produce high-quality innovative results. There should be focus on the needs of Liaoning's revitalization and development as well as on leveraging the advantages and characteristics of disciplines such as applied economics and law. There should additionally be discipline inspection and supervision to make new and greater contributions in serving Liaoning's economic and social development as well as in participating in local legislation, and in promoting high-quality development of Liaoning's discipline inspection and supervision work.

Cui Changzheng, Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Government, and Wang Qingdong, Director of the Provincial Department of Education participated in the investigation. Pan Yishan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaoning University, Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University, Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaoning University, and Li Yupeng, Vice President of Liaoning University accompanied Jin on the investigation and study.