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Liaoning Daily Interviews Yu Miaojie: ‘Extending New Fields of Open Cooperation in Northeast Asia’

Date: 2024-01-24    Source: 

Marking the Two Sessions of Liaoning Province, Liaoning Daily interviewed Professor Yu Miaojie, a deputy of the 14th National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th Liaoning Provincial People's Congress, and Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University. The original text and links are reproduced here.

Yu Miaojie: ‘Extending New Fields of Open Cooperation in Northeast Asia’


The provincial government has decided to transform Liaoning province into an important base in the new era, proposing to build Liaoning into a hub for opening-up and cooperation in Northeast Asia. Faced with profound changes in the international environment and economic and trade patterns, Liaoning should actively connect with national strategies, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, and accelerate the formation of a larger scale, wider field, and deeper level of opening-up to the outside world.

To build a hub for opening-up and cooperation in Northeast Asia, we must truly achieve the following: problem orientation and goal orientation, stimulating endogenous momentum and increasing government support, forging strengths and filling weaknesses, creating a new frontier for Liaoning's opening-up to the outside world, and expanding new areas of opening-up and cooperation in Northeast Asia.

To start, we should be deeply involved in the joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’, strengthen economic and trade cooperation with the ‘Belt and Road’ region, and especially promote the development from north to east, forming a ‘two legged’ walk. ‘One leg’ is to connect with the construction of the overland Silk Road, support Shenyang in building a national hub for China-Europe freight trains and continue to develop westward based on China-Europe freight trains. This involves strengthening economic and trade cooperation with Russia and Mongolia and building a strategic channel for economic and trade cooperation with the Far East region. ‘One leg’ is the northward development of the Maritime Silk Road, seizing strategic opportunities, deeply cultivating Japan and South Korea, and accelerating the construction of the China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Zone.

Also, we need to better tap into the dividends of regional economic cooperation agreements, increase economic and trade cooperation with Southeast Asian and ASEAN countries, expand export destinations, do a good job in service trade, and help our enterprises ‘go out, enter, and go up’. At the same time, expanding the import of intermediate goods enhances the sense of gain and happiness of the people.

In brief, we should accelerate the construction of an opening-up and cooperation hub in Northeast Asia as an important starting point for Liaoning's opening-up, focusing on eight breakthroughs, improving the energy level of the open platform, developing an open economy, and thus write a new chapter of the Chinese path to modernization in Liaoning.

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