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Yu Miaojie Delivers Tutorial Report to Provincial Political Consultative Conference's Theoretical Study Group

Date: 2024-04-16    Source: 

On April 15, 2024, the Provincial Political Consultative Conference's Party Group Theoretical Study Center held a special, enlarged, meeting to study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on new productive forces. The meeting was chaired by Zhou Bo, Chairman and Party Secretary of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference. Professor Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Liaoning University, a deputy to National People's Congress, a fellow of the International Economic Association, and an expert of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference think tank, was invited to give a special tutorial report entitled ‘Cultivating New Productive Forces to Promote High-Quality Economic Development in China’.



Yu Miaojie emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on new productive forces represents an innovation and is a development of Marxist productivity theory. It embodies theoretical insights and practical experience in leading the party to promote economic and social development. Furthermore, it enriches the connotations of Xi Jinping Economic Thought, providing scientific guidance and fundamental principles for promoting high-quality development and Chinese-style modernization.

He continued that Liaoning, as a province rich in science and education and a major manufacturing province, possesses resources for technological innovation and industrial technological advantages. It must firmly grasp the necessity of high-quality development in this new era, base itself on the reality of Liaoning, lead industrial innovation with technological innovation, accelerate the transformation of driving forces and the shift of development tracks, and focus on building a modern industrial system reflecting the distinctive advantages of Liaoning. Efforts should be made to explore a practical path developing new productive forces tailored to local conditions.

The special study meeting took the form of expert lectures, with some members of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference's Party Group Theoretical Study Center delivering speeches and exchanging ideas.