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LNU’s CPC Committee Holds First Session of the Party Discipline Learning and Education Reading Club

Date: 2024-04-20    Source: 



On April 19, 2024, the CPC Committee of Liaoning University held the first session of the Party Discipline Learning and Education Reading Club, as well as a special study session for the Theoretical Learning Center Group. The theme was the deep study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the Party's self-revolution. It was committed to earnestly study and comprehend the newly revised ‘Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China’, guide all party members and cadres of the university to further strengthen their discipline awareness, enhance self-restraint, and improve immunity, to always remain loyal, clean, and dedicated, to provide strong guarantees to help Liaoning achieve comprehensive revitalization with new breakthroughs in the three-year action plan and to promote the high-quality development of the university's cause.

Pan Yishan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University, presided over the reading club and delivered a speech. Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the University, and Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, attended the event, with Zhang Hongxin, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, providing special guidance.


Pan Yishan presiding over the reading club and delivering a speech

Yu Miaojie participating in the reading club study session


The meeting noted the extreme importance of deeply understanding the strengthening of the Party's discipline construction and effectively unifying thoughts and actions with the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee. Carrying out Party discipline learning and education is not only about deeply comprehending the decisive significance of the ’two safeguards’ and resolutely fulfilling the inevitable requirements of the ‘two maintenances’, but is also an important lever to promote the Party's self-revolution and comprehensively strengthen Party governance. It is also a practical need to assist Liaoning in implementing the new breakthroughs in the three-year action plan for comprehensive revitalization and promoting the high-quality development of the university's cause.

Party organizations at all levels, as well as party members and cadres throughout the university, should deeply understand its significance and further enhance their political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness in carrying out good Party discipline learning and education. Through the conduct of Party discipline learning and education, it is necessary to fully implement the main responsibility of governing the Party, guide all party members and cadres in establishing correct views on power, performance, and career, boost their spirit of initiative and sense of responsibility, unite their hearts and minds to build a new era of ‘Six Areas’, vigorously compose a new chapter of Liaoning's Chinese-style modernization, and achieve greater practical results in promoting Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization with new breakthroughs in the three-year action plan. It is essential to effectively transform the motivation sparked by Party discipline learning and education into practical actions for overcoming difficulties, carrying out tasks, and ensuring implementation, thus providing strong political guarantees for building a “vibrant, outstanding, entrepreneurial, and happy Liaoning University”, and accelerating the realization of all the targets and tasks determined at the university's 13th Party Congress.

The meeting emphasized the need to fully grasp the essence and practical requirements of the ‘Regulations’ further enhancing the precision and effectiveness of carrying out Party discipline learning and education. It is essential to prioritize strict adherence to political discipline and political rules, uphold a rigorous tone to comprehensively strengthen cadre management and supervision, combine rectification of practices, discipline, anti-corruption efforts, and incentives for cadre performance, and coordinate the concerted efforts of Party character, Party conduct, and Party discipline. This will make the Party's style, the school's ethos, the teaching style, and the academic atmosphere clearer and refreshing.

The meeting required careful planning, meticulous organization, and implementation, starting from reality to ensure solid results in Party discipline learning and education. Cadres at and above the department level should take the lead in demonstrating and setting models and take the lead in setting higher standards and stricter requirements, prioritizing learning and setting an example. Party organizations at all levels should earnestly fulfill their main responsibilities, effectively organize and implement Party discipline learning and education, and supervise and ensure its implementation, to ensure full coverage. Party discipline learning and education should also be combined with the central tasks of the school, the targets and tasks determined at the 13th Party Congress, and the efforts to assist Liaoning in achieving new breakthroughs in comprehensive revitalization, to prevent ‘dual skins’ and guard against formalism. The working group should actively fulfill its duties, coordinate and coordinate work well, strengthen work scheduling, and focus on propaganda and guidance, promoting the deepening and solidifying of Party discipline learning and education with a good work style.


Sun Shiguo participating in the reading club study session

Secretary Zhang Hongxin of the Discipline Inspection Commission conducting the thematic guidance session

Members of the Party Committee's theoretical study center, members of the two committees, secretaries of grass-roots party organizations, and heads of functional departments of the institutions participated in the study group and conducted individual self-study focusing on the newly revised ‘Regulations’.