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Communist Youth League Day Activities and Meeting Held at Liaoning University

Date: 2024-04-26    Source: 



On April 26, 2024, the Communist Youth League Day activities and meeting, ‘Pooling Strengths to Overcome Difficulties and Making Contributions at Youth’, was held at Puhe Campus of Liaoning University. Pan Yishan, Secretary of the CPC Committee of LNU attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of LNU also attended the meeting and announced the commendation decision. In addition, Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee, vice presidents including Li Yupeng, Shi Baodong and Huo Chunhui attended the meeting. The meeting was also joined by comrades of the functional departments, secretaries and deputy secretaries of the CPC committees, general Party branches and directly affiliated Party branches, secretaries of the Youth League Committees, commended department representatives and individuals and Youth League members. The meeting was presided over by Sun Shiguo, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee at Liaoning University.



On the eve of Youth Day on May 4th, Secretary Pan Yishan extended  congratulations and sincere greetings to all the students and young friends at the university. He summarized the achievements that the Communist Youth League at the university had made over the past year on aspects of ideological education, strict management of league work, campus culture cultivation, comprehensive improvement, social services as well as innovation endeavors. By doing so, the leadership and organizational capacities of the Communist Youth League at the university have been further enhanced. With an increased reputation and cohesion power, the league is able to make more contributions. He expressed his gratitude to the hard work done by the league organizations and cadres at all levels.

Pan Yishan  also noted that following the instructions of the Communist Party of China is the political mission of the Communist Youth League. As Liaoning Province is in a critical stage of comprehensive revitalization, league organizations at all levels should fully focus on the deployment of the CPC committees, enhance the sense of social responsibility and feel the pulse of the times in the process of going out of campus, going into the society and going up to the frontier. He stressed that it is imperative to further unify our thinking and pool our strengths, calling on the young to go to the grassroots through the projects and platforms provided to train themselves and acquire knowledge. In this process, they will establish roots and pursue their dreams in the province. 





President Yu Miaojie announced the Decision on Commending Red Flag Youth League Committee of Liaoning University, Advanced Youth League Committee of Liaoning University, Red Flag Youth League Branch of Liaoning University, Advanced Youth League Branch of Liaoning University and Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadres of Liaoning University in 2023.


















At the meeting, the 2023 Red Flag Youth League Committee of Liaoning University, Advanced Youth League Committee of Liaoning University, Red Flag Youth League Branch of Liaoning University, Advanced Youth League Branch of Liaoning University and Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadres of Liaoning University were commended.








Zhao Wei, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School of Economics and Lv Chengming, an undergraduate of the School of Philosophy spoke at the meeting as commended department and student representatives. The representatives of the Youth League members performed the original poem ‘To Us’.