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Professor Fan Haichao from Fudan University Delivers Bai Qingxian Lecture by Overseas Prestigious Scholars

Date: 2024-05-06    Source: 

On April 26, 2024, the 3rd lecture of Bai Qingxian Lecture by Overseas Prestigious Scholars was held at Puhe Campus of Liaoning University, where Professor Fan Haichao from Fudan University was invited to give a lecture. Before he started, Professor Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Liaoning University introduced Professor Fan. The lecture was attended by over 80 teachers and students from the China Open Economy Research Institute, the Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research and the School of Finance and Trade of Liaoning University and was presided over by Professor Ma Xiangjun, Vice Dean of both China Open Economy Research Institute and the School of Finance and Trade.   








Themed on ‘Tariff Fluctuation and Carbon Emissions’, Professor Fan shared three facts of China’s increase in carbon dioxide emissions, China-US trade frictions as well as China’s status as the world’s largest carbon dioxide emitter. Through data analysis, he found that after trade friction, the carbon emission intensity increased significantly in cities that were more vulnerable to tariff shocks. He also noted that due to the simultaneous decrease of domestic sales and exports, overall carbon emissions did not increase significantly and the impact of trade frictions on carbon emissions was mainly manifested in the increase of carbon emission intensity. He believed that as China-US trade frictions increased the intensity of carbon emissions in cities and enterprises, the government could relax environmental supervision to reduce the cost of carbon emissions and redistribute resources from exports to domestic sales which use less clean technologies. He noted that the two ways were of great significance to understand global pollution in the era of non-globalization. Professor Fan’s research is of huge practical significance and greatly supplements the existing literature. He answered the questions raised by teachers and students and they learned a lot from the lecture.   

After the lecture, Professor Ma Xiangjun presented Professor Fan with a commemorative certificate of the Bai Qingxian Lecture by Overseas Prestigious Scholars. Also,  a student representative from the School of Finance and Trade presented flowers to him.



Brief biography of Fan Haichao  

Fan Haichao is Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of the School of Economics, Fudan University. He is deputy director of the Institute of World Economy of Fudan University and has won the national talent program. His research has been cited more than 2000 times in google and some research results were recommended by the National Bureau of Economic research (NBER) in the US. His research is selected among the top 1% ESI papers in economics and business. Currently he is co-editor of Annals of Economics and Finance and deputy editor of Review of International Economics, Journal of Economic Survey, and Economic Modelling.