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Original Drama Growth Designed at LNU Selected as Quality Program in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-05-05    Source: 

The Educational Department of Liaoning Provincial announced the review results of original cultural programs at institutions of higher education in Liaoning Province. Growth, a drama on integrity education designed by Liaoning University was on the list of those awarded with a ‘Demonstration Program’.




Sponsored by the Ministry of Education and undertaken by the Educational Working Committee of Liaoning Province and the Educational Department of Liaoning Province, the tour of original cultural programs at institutions of higher education in Liaoning Province aims to obtain cultural works among universities and colleges in the province in a comprehensive  manner. After going through the process of work submission by universities and colleges, review by experts and publicity of results, 10 works were awarded with a ‘Demonstration Program’ and another 20 with ‘Special Program’.





The awarded drama Growth is exquisitely designed and created by the Commission for Discipline Inspection as well as the School of Art at Liaoning University. Directed by Professor Liu Ruoyun, a national first-class director, it took more than two months to finish with the joint efforts of postgraduates in the Drama School of Art. This endeavor is not only a positive attempt in the form of modern drama to launch integrity education, but also a concrete practice for Liaoning University to apply the national requirement of full and strict governance over the Party as well as its fundamental task of training virtuous talents.

The drama is mainly about the growth stories of two 18-year-old boys who encounter choices, temptation and misfortune in their 4 years of college life. It is both a campus drama that reflects real characters and incidents and an educational drama on integrity with excellent acting and deep significance It focuses on the risks that young college students are prone to encounter as they grow up. By presenting some typical events such as course substitution, student union election, job hunting and family environment and adopting dramatic stage performance, the underlying trends of the times are highlighted.