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Yu Miaojie Invited to Give Special Lecture for the Liaoning Branch of the People's Bank of China

Date: 2024-05-09    Source: 

  On May 9, 2024, the Liaoning Branch of the People's Bank of China and the Liaoning Monetary Society jointly held an academic lecture on ‘Revitalization Classroom’, inviting Professor Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University, to give a special lecture on ‘Northeast China is a Good Place, Liaoning is a Platter of Plenty’. Fu Xiguo, the President of the Liaoning Branch of the People's Bank of China and the President of the Liaoning Monetary Society, attended the lecture and awarded Yu Miaojie the appointment letter as the Chief Advisor of the Liaoning Financial Society.

      More than 400 people attended the lecture in person, including the heads and key members of all units of Liaoning Financial Society, heads of the People's Bank of China Liaoning Branch, and heads and key members of all its departments. Also, members of branches of the People's Bank of China in Liaoning Province participated in the lecture through the video-teleconference system. Shi Changjun, a member of the Party Committee of the Liaoning Branch of the People's Bank of China presided over the lecture.

In his lecture, Yu Miaojie systematically elucidated the advantages and conditions for Liaoning to achieve high-quality development in the new era and new journey. He also analyzed the new ideas and measures for Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization. He said that General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions on the revitalization of Northeast China and Liaoning, and has given Northeast China the strategic mission of maintaining ‘Security in Five Major Fields’. This is not only a heavy responsibility for Liaoning, but also a significant opportunity for its comprehensive and all-round revitalization. At present, the comprehensive revitalization of the economy in the Northeast region is facing an excellent opportunity with favorable timing, geographic advantage and unity of the people. The comprehensive revitalization of the three provinces in Northeast China, especially the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning Province has arrived at the right time: its momentum has been established and its rise can be expected.

Yu Miaojie continued that Liaoning is a good place. Liaoning is seizing the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, fully taking advantage of the dividends released by policy accumulation, accelerating the gathering of drivers of development, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, as well as forging ahead and catching up on the path of high-quality development. Liaoning is also a treasure bowl with abundant resource endowments. It has a complete industrial and supply chain and unique geographical location conditions. Liaoning is transforming these geographical advantages with inherent advantages into the ‘six regions’ with development advantages in the new era. Coupled with the improvement of the business environment, even ‘Shanhai Pass’ cannot stop people from investing in Liaoning. The comprehensive and all-round revitalization of Liaoning will be achieved as scheduled.

After the lecture, Yu Miaojie had an interactive discussion with the audience on the opportunities and difficulties of Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization in the current and future stages. The lecture represents an open course on a new understanding of Liaoning, analyzing the provincial situation and broadening our thinking. The cadres and employees of the financial system now have a clearer understanding and concrete perception of the foundation, conditions, and strength of Liaoning's revitalization. Additionally, the lecture marks important analysis and is a significant reference point for good financial work promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.