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LNU Holds the 9th China Conference on Computational Atomic and Molecular Physics

Date: 2024-07-31    Source: 

From July 27 to 31, the 9th China Conference on Computational Atomic and Molecular Physics (CCCAMP) was successfully held in Shenyang. The conference was hosted by the Computational Physics Division of the Chinese Nuclear Society, organized by the School of Physics of Liaoning University, and co-organized by the School of Physical Science and Technology of Shenyang Normal University. The conference was attended by over 280 experts, scholars, young researchers, and graduate students from more than 70 universities and research institutions, including Peking University, Fudan University, National University of Defense Technology, Shandong Normal University, and Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics.


Academician Pan Yishan, Secretary of CPC Committee of LNU addressing the conference


Prof. Wang Jianguo, Chair of the National Committee on Computational Atomic and Molecular Physics addressing the conference


At the opening ceremony, Academician Pan Yishan, Party Secretary of Liaoning University, and Professor Wang Jianguo, Chair of the National Committee on Computational Atomic and Molecular Physics (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) and Director of Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, delivered speeches on behalf of the conference organizers and the organizing committee, respectively, warmly welcoming the attendees who traveled from afar. Academician Pan Yishan expressed that, at a crucial time for Liaoning University's "Double First-Class" construction and during the university’s efforts to contribute to the revitalization of Liaoning, the School of Physics of Liaoning University was honored to host this academic conference. This reflects the high recognition and full trust of the organizers in Liaoning University, and he extended sincere thanks to the leaders, experts, and scholars for their support and affection for the university's physics discipline. Professor Wang Jianguo pointed out that the year 2024 marks not only the 60th anniversary of the successful explosion of China’s first atomic bomb but also the centenary of the birth of our distinguished scientists Deng Jiaxian, Zhu Guangya, and Huang Zuqia. At this special time, representatives of faculty members and students from across the country are showcasing the latest research achievements in the field of computational atomic and molecular physics through academic exchanges. This has significant meaning for inspiring scientific innovation, especially for the growth of young scholars. The opening ceremony was chaired by Professor Li Yongqing, Dean of the School of Physics of Liaoning University. The ceremony was also attended by Professor Ma Fengcai, former Vice President of Liaoning University; Professor Dong Chenzhong, former Vice President of Northwest Normal University; Professor Liu Yufang, former Vice President of Henan Normal University; Professor Meng Qingtian, Vice Chair of the Committee and Professor at Shandong Normal University; Professor Qu Yizhi, Vice Chair of the Committee and Professor of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor Song Yuzhi, Secretary-General of the Committee and Professor of Shandong Normal University; and Professors Ding Yong and Liu Shixing, Vice Deans of the School of Physics of Liaoning University.


Academician Wang Enge, former President of Peking University, former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Director General of the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, delivering an invited keynote speech


Academician Jin Kuijuan from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivering an invited keynote speech


Academician Varandas from Qufu Normal University and the Portuguese Academy of Sciences delivering an invited keynote speech


During the conference, eight experts delivered keynote reports: Academician Wang Enge, former President of Peking University, former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chairman of the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory; Academician Jin Kuijuan from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Academician Varandas, Distinguished Professor at Qufu Normal University and the Portuguese Academy of Sciences; Professor Liu Xiaojun, Party Secretary of the Institute of Precision Measurement Science and Technology Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor Ding Dajun from Jilin University; Professor Zhao Jijun from South China Normal University; Professor Yang Weifeng from Hainan University; and Researcher Gao Xiang from the Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics. In addition, 33 scholars and young teachers gave invited and oral reports, 20 graduate students presented student reports, and over 60 faculty members and students delivered poster presentations. These reports showcased the significant achievements and latest developments in the field of computational atomic and molecular physics in China in recent years.

At the closing ceremony, Professor Song Peng, Director of the Academic Affairs Office and a faculty member of the School of Physics of Liaoning University, delivered the conference summary speech. Professor Song acknowledged the significant challenge posed by the heaviest rainfall in 70 years in Shenyang for the conference and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the delegates who managed to attend despite numerous difficulties. Professor Wang Jianguo, Chairman of the Committee, along with Vice Chairpersons Professors Meng Qingtian and Qu Yizhi, presented the "Outstanding Student Report" and "Outstanding Poster Presentation" awards to the attendees. Ph.D. student Ren Fangyu and Zhuang Hongbin from the School of Physics at Liaoning University received the "Outstanding Student Report" and "Outstanding Poster Presentation" awards, respectively.

The successful organization of this conference enhanced academic exchange among experts and scholars from universities across the country in the field of computational atomic and molecular physics. It established a communication bridge between the faculty and students and leading experts nationwide, significantly promoting the development of young faculty and students. This event is of great significance for the advancement of the physics discipline of Liaoning University and the overall revitalization of the university’s science and engineering programs.


Group photo of the 9th CCCAMP