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Secretary Pan Yishan Attends a Class on the First Day of the New Semester

Date: 2024-09-03    Source: 

On September 2, 2024, the first day of the new semester, Pan Yishan, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Liaoning University listen to professor Li Yinan’s teaching from the School of Marxism at Chongshan Campus of Liaoning University. The course Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era was taught to students in 2022 majoring in Measurement and Microelectronics.





In class, Secretary Pan Yishan listened attentively with students, paying close attention to the teaching and students reaction. During the break, he had a friendly exchange with the students, hoping that they would take Academician Wang Enge, an outstanding alumnus of the school as a good example. He expected that the students could listen carefully, take notes and ask questions if they have. He also had an exchange with teacher Li Yinan after class by make positive remarks on the teacher’s teaching. He also noted that it is important to understand the significance of this course to fully and faithfully impart the knowledge of Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to students. He added that it is also important to take the students’ cognitive features and way of understanding knowledge into consideration.





The CPC Committee of Liaoning University has been always committed to its initial aspiration of training talents for the Party and the country and the fun fundamental task of of cultivating virtuous talents. As talent training is what Liaoning University works for, the university will make the practice of listening to teachers teaching on the first day of a new semester a regular routine so that all teachers and students can devote their energy and vigor into the work and study.