Research direction:
Korean language&literature,Korean culture,Comparison of Chinese and Korean Literature
Educational history:Doctor of Arts
Department:Department of Korean Studies
Contact Mobile:024-62602470
Educational background / Academic experience:
2014.09 — present: Lecturer of department of Korean Studies,Liaoning University,China
2013.03 — 2014.03 Lecturer,Kyung Hee University, Korea
2010.03 — 2014.06 PH.D of Department of Korean Language & Literature,
Kyung Hee University, Korea
2008.01 — 2010.01 Lecturer,Suwon University, Korea
2005.09 — 2008.06 Master of Department of Korean Language & Literature,
Soongsil University, korea
2001.09 — 2005.06 Bachelor of Department of Korean Language & Literature, Yanbian University, Jilin, China
Research production:
As the first author
l Songhee-park, ‘The observation of shamanism element in <Ewhajeon>’, “Woori Literary Research Society ”, 33, Woori Literary Society , 2011. Korea.
l Songhee-park, ‘Study on female perception of China and Korea by Isabella bird bishop’, “Humaniores Research Society”22, Humaniores Society, 2013, Korea.
l Songhee-park, ‘Study on the female perception of China and Korea novel for a type of the woman hero ’, “Goobong Tracks”52, Arts and Sciences group conference, 2013, Korea.
l Songhee-park, ‘Comparison and contemplation of ambition from the perspective of lee orkbong poetry and er hyengee poetry-Focus on the moon, which was represented in the poetry’, “Comparative Literature Research Society”23, Comparative Literature Research Station, 2013, Korea.
l Songhee-park, ‘Study on the founder of myth of China and Korea ’, Soongsil University master’s Thesis, 2008, Korea.
l Songhee-park, ‘‘Study on the female perception of China and Korea novel for a type of the woman hero’, Kyunghee University doctoral theses, 2013, Korea.
As the second author
l A book written jointly with Mr. Lee-hwahyong, “Korean Culture”, a publishing company of tae hark sa, 2012.
A book written jointly with Qin-guifang, “An introduction to Chinese Culture ”, Shandong-light industry College, 2013.