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Date: 2021-06-08    Source: 


Professor, School of International Economy and International Relations, Liaoning University


 International Politics

Japanese Politics and Diplomacy

Asia-Pacific Regionalism


 Hokkaido University, PhD, Department of Politics, School of Law (Japan)

Major Field: International Politics (2007.4~2011.6)

Hokkaido University, M.A., Department of Politics, School of Law (Japan)

Major Field: International Politics (2005.4~2007.3)

Dalian University of Foreign Languages, B.A., School of Japanese Studies (China)

Major Field: Japanese Studies (1999.9~2003.7)  



 Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2008~2010)

Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Asian Studies, ANU (2008~2009)

Visiting Scholar, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CASS (2008~2009)

Assistant Professor, School of International Economy and International Relations, Liaoning University (2011~2013)

Associate Professor, School of International Economy and International Relations, Liaoning University (2013~)

Visiting Scholar, Columbia University (2020.2~2021.2)



The Concept of Pacific Basin Community: Japan-Australia Initiative and the Exploration of the Asia-Pacific Regional Order, Social Science Academic Press, 2018.


“The Birth of the Pacific Basin Community: Australia-Sino-Japanese Diplomatic Initiatives Formed Around Asia-Pacific Region (1-4)”, the Hokkaido Law Review, 63(5), 63(6), 64(1), 64(2), 2013 (four articles in Japanese).

 “The U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement: The Legal Root Cause of Okinawa Base Issue”, Japanese Studies, No.4, 2018 (Chinese)

“East Asian Regionalism under the Competition Effect between China and Japan”, Contemporary World and Socialism, No.5, 2018(Chinese).

“The Origin and Actions of the Japan Conference: The Japanese Right- wing Group and Their Promotion for Right Deviation”, Contemporary World and Socialism, No.5, 2018(Chinese).

 “The Japan Factor in US TPP Strategy”, International Forum, No.1 2013(Chinese).