

Date: 2016-12-05    Source: 

Educational Background / Academic Experience

l  2009.6- 2012.12   Korean Lecturer in collage of international studied in                             Liaoning University

l  2013.1-          Korean associate professor in collage of international studied in Liaoning University

l  2008.9-2009.3    Trade lecturer in South Korea Incheon Kyung-in women’s university

l  2006.3-2009.3    Doctor of Economics in South Korea Gangneung National University

l  2003.9-2006.2    Master of Business in South Korea Gangneung National University

l  1999.9-2003.7    Bachelor of Arts in Korean department in collage of international studied in Liaoning University

Major Research

Trade remedy policy

Korean-peninsula issue

 Major Courses

International Trade

Practical International Trade,

China and South Korea economic and trade relations

Research Achievement

(1)   Journal Articles

l  중국의 비시장경제지위와 반덤핑 제소간의 관련성에 관한 연구”, 무역통상학회지, 2008.9.

l  중국 반덤핑 제소의 경제적 효과에 관한 연구” 무역학회지, 2009.2.

l  “The effect of trade remedy towards anti-dumping measures in China.”   Exploration on Economics,volume 9, 2012.

l  “Status and characteristics analysis of anti-dumping case investigation in China.”   Proceedings of Liaoning University, volume 9, 2012.

l  “Comparative analysis of the application of anti-dumping measures in China and South Korea.”  Journals of party and government cadres, volume 2, 2014.

l  “Characteristics and influence analysis of South Korean anti-dumping case investigation on China.” Exploration on Economics, volume 11, 2014.

l   “Explanation and Enlightenment of South Korean anti-dumping measures.” Proceedings of Liaoning University, volume 4, 2015


l  중국반덤핑제소의 경제적 효과와 반덤핑결정요인에 관한 실증적 연구

Liaoning minorities press, Sep. 2011

l  International Trade (Korean version)

      Liaoning minorities press, Aug. 2011.

l  Practical International Trade (Korean version)

Liaoning minorities press, Aug. 2011.


Research Project

l  Project of Youth Scientific Research Fund in Liaoning University: “The effect of trade remedy towards anti-dumping measures in China.”

l  Project of Social science Research in Education Department of Liaoning Province: “Strategic motivation of anti-dumping measures and the effect of trade remedy in South Korea.”

l  Project of Social Science Fund in Liaoning Provence: “Influence of anti-dumping measures towards trade between South Korea and China.”

l  Project of National Social Science Fund: “Damage effect of anti-dumping measures towards trade deficit between China and South Korea and the coping strategy of China.”