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ZHAO Shengzhi

Date: 2016-12-05    Source: 

ZHAO Shengzhi, a professor at School of Mathematics, Liaoning University, received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mathematics in 1988 and 1991 respectively, both from Liaoning University. She completed her Ph.D in Control Theory and Control Engineering in 2005 at Northeast University, China and completed the postdoctoral research in 2011 at the same University.

The research interests include switched systems and robust control. The main research achievements are as follows,


1.LIU Yue,  Shengzhi Zhao (corresponding author), Ruicheng Ma, Robust L2-gain control for a class of cascade swiched nonlinear systems, Nonlinear Dyn (2014)77:1011-1017.

2. Shengzhi Zhao, Geogi M. Dimirovski and Ruicheng Ma, Robust H∞ control for non-minimum phase switched cascade systems with time delay, Asian Journal of Control (2015), Vol.17, No. 5, 1590-1599.




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