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ZHANG Jiujun

Date: 2016-12-05    Source: 

ZHANG Jiujun, an associate professor at School of Mathematics, Liaoning University, received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mathematics in 2002 and 2005 respectively, both from Liaoning Normal Univeristy. He completed his Ph.D in Probability and Statistics in 2009 at Nankai University.

The research interests include statistical process control and quality engineering. The main research achievements are as follows,

     [1] Jiujun Zhang, Zhonghua Li, and Zhaojun Wang. Control chart based on likelihood ratio for monitoring linear profiles. Comput. Statist. & Data Anal. (2009)53(4):1440-1448.

[2] 张久军,何川一种可用于同时检测均值和方差的控制图.《生物数学学报》(2010) 25(3):527-532.

[3] Zhonghua Li,Jiujun Zhang and Zhaojun Wang. Self-starting control chart for simultaneously monitoring process mean and variance. Int. J. Prod. Res. (2010) 48(15): 4537-4553.

[4] Jiujun Zhang, Changliang Zou and Zhaojun Wang. A control chart based on likelihood ratio test for monitoring process mean and variability. Qual. Rel. Eng.Int.(2010) 26(1): 63-73.

[5] Jiujun Zhang, Zhonghua Li, and Zhaojun Wang. A multivariate control chart for simultaneously monitoring process mean and variability. Comput. Statist. & Data Anal. (2010)54(10):2244-2252.

[6] Jiujun Zhang, Changliang Zou and Zhaojun Wang. A new chart for detecting the process mean and variability. Commun.Stat.-Simul.C. (2011) 40(5): 728–743.

[7]Jiujun Zhang, Changliang Zou and Zhaojun Wang. An adaptive Shiryaev-Roberts procedure for monitoring dispersion. Comput. & Ind. Eng. (2011) 61:1166-1172.

[8] Jiujun Zhang, Zhonghua Li, and Zhaojun Wang. A new adaptive control chart for monitoring process mean and variability. Int. J. Adv. Manu. Tech. (2012)60(9): 1031-1038.

[9] Xin, Zhang, Jiujun Zhang. CUSUM Procedures for monitoring process mean and variability. Commun.Stat.-Simul.C,(2012)(42):1455-1471.

[10] Jiujun Zhang, Zhonghua Li, Bin,Chen and Zhaojun Wang. A new exponentially weighted moving average control chart for monitoring the coefficient of variation. Comput. & Ind. Eng. (2014)(78):205-212.

[11] 张久军,何川基于单个观测值用于检测多元协方差矩阵的EWMA控制图.《数理统计与管理》(2015) 34(5):858-866.

[12] Jiujun Zhang, Zhonghua Li, and Zhaojun Wang. An adaptive shiryaev–roberts procedure for signalling varying location shifts. Commun.Stat. Simul.C, (2016),45: 2511–2527.

[13] Jiujun Zhang, Chunan He, Zhonghua Li and Zhaojun Wang. Likelihood

ratio test-based chart for monitoring the process variability. Commun.Stat. Simul.C,2017(46):704-728.

[14] 张久军,韩露.基于Loglinear模型的多元非参数控制图的一点思考.《辽宁大学学报》(自然科学版)(2016),43(2):97-103.


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