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LUO Meiju

Date: 2021-06-01    Source: 

LUO Meiju, Professor, School of Mathematics, Liaoning University. She completed her Ph.D in Operations Research and Cybernetics in 2010 at Dalian University of Technology, China and completed the postdoctoral research in 2015 in Shanghai University.

The research interests include stochastic equilibrium problem and its Applications. The main research achievements are as follows:

1. Mei-Ju Luo and Gui-Hua Lin, Expected residual minimization method for stochastic variational inequality problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (2009)140: 103-116.

2. Mei-Ju Luo and Gui-Hua Lin, Convergence results of the ERM method for nonlinear stochastic variational inequality problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (2009)142: 569-581.

3. Mei-Ju Luo and Gui-Hua Lin, Stochastic variational inequality problems with additional constraints and their applications in supply chain network equilibria, Pacific Journal of Optimization, (2011)7: 263-279.

4. Mei-Ju Luo and Gui-Hua Lin, Sample average approximation method for solving a deterministic formulation for box constrained stochastic variational inequality problems, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, (2012)29: 1-17.

5. Gui-Hua Lin, Mei-Ju Luo(corresponding author) and Jin Zhang, Smoothing and SAA methods for stochastic programming problems with nonsmooth objective and constraints, Journal of Global Optimization, (2016)66:487-510.