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YIN Jiangxia

Date: 2020-05-28    Source: 

YIN Jiangxia, associate professor at School of Life Science, Liaoning University. She received B.S. degree of Biology from Liaocheng University (2003), M.S. degreee of Zoology from Southwest University (2006), and Ph.D. degree in Zoology from Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009). She joined Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as an assistant professor during 2009 ~ 2010.

Her research interests are (i) bird behavior (bird song and personality) and (ii) molecular mechanism of Bird song. The main research achievements are as follows:

1. Juan Zhang, Andrew J. King, Ines Fürtbauer, Yan-Wen Wang, Ya-Qi He, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Dong-Mei Wan, Jiang-Xia Yin. Facilitative effects of social partners on Java sparrow activity. Animal Behavior. 2020, 161: 33-38.

2. Zhiwei Zhang, Yanyu Hu, Haiwei Wei, Qi Li, Jiangxia Yin*, Xiaotao Lv. The impacts of nutrient addition and livestock exclosure on soil nematode community in a degraded grassland. Land Degradation and Development. 2019, 30: 1574-1583.

3.Jiangxia Yin, Tingting Xu, Zhiwei Zhang, Donglai Li, Paul Racey, Dongmei Wan. Song learning in varied tits Parus varius: sensitive period and the effects of night-sleep. Bird study. 2018, 1: 84-91.

  4.Jiangxia Yin, Yanan Ruan, JianLi Liu, ShuYi Zhang, Paul Racey. FoxP2 expression in an echolocating bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum): Functional implications. Mammlian Biology. 2017, 85: 24-29.

5.ShuangLi Hou, Jiangxia Yin, Seeta Sistla, JunJie Yang, Yue Sun, YuanYuan Li, XiaoTao Lü, Xing-Guo Han. Long-term mowing did not alter the impacts of nitrogen deposition on litter quality in a temperate steppe. Ecological Engineering. 2017, 102: 404-410.

6.Tingting Zhao, Jingfeng Lin, Xiande Zhang, Dongmei Wan, Jiangxia Yin. The primary study of the relationship between environmental factors and dawn song in varied tits. International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering. 2016, 93: 138-143.

7.Jing Ju1, Jiangxia Yin1, Paul Racey, Lei Zhang, Dongmei Wan.  Extra-pair paternity in Varied Tits Poecile varius. Acta Ornithologica, 2014, 1: 131-136.

8.Qijiu Li, Xiande Zhang, TingTing Xu, Jiangxia Yin. Prestin expression in cochlea of bats using different echolocation systems. Industrial Engineering and Applied Research. 2014, 248-252.

9.Qi Chen, Lina Wang, G. Jones, W. Metzner, F. J. Xuan, Jiangxia Yin and Yi Sun. FoxP2 and olfaction: Divergence of FoxP2 expression in olfactory tubercle between different feeding habit bats. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 2013, 64(4): 426–437.

10.Dongmei Wan, Jiangxia Yin, Peng Chang. Causes of extra-pair paternity and its inter-specific variation in socially monogamous birds. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 33: 158–166.

11.Jiangxia Yin, Paul Racey, Jian Li, Yaoguang Zhao. The Ovarian Cycle of the Fish Leptobotia elongata Bleeker, Endemic to China. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2012, 44(4): 997-1005.

12.Jiangxia Yin, Hongmei Wang, Paul Racey, Shuyi Zhang. Microanatomy of the fishing bat skin. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2011, 43(2): 387-392.

13.Xiaotao Lv, Jiangxia Yin, Jianwei Tang. Diversity and composition of understory vegetation in the tropical seasonal rain forest of Xishuangbanna, SW China. Revista de Biologia Tropical. 2011, 59: 455-463.

14.Xiaotao Lv, Jiangxia Yin, Jianwei Tang. Structure, tree species diversity and composition of tropical seasonal rainforest in Xishuangbanna, South-west China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 2010, 22(3): 260–270.

15.Xiaotao Lv1, Jiangxia Yin1, Martin R. Jepsen, Jianwei Tang. Ecosystem carbon storage and partitioning in a tropical seasonal forest in Southwestern China. Forest Ecology and Management. 2010, 260: 1798-1803.

16.Jiangxia Yin, Hongmei Wang, Paul Racey, Shuyi Zhang. Distribution and ultrastructure of Merkel cells of the fishing bat (Myotis ricektti). Science in China. 2009, 52(9): 802-806.

17.Jiangxia Yin, Wenchao Liu, Tingting Guo, Panyu Hua, Shuyi Zhang. Development and characterization of 13 novel microsatellite loci form the flat-headed bat (Tylonycterris pachypus) with cross-species amplification in closely related taxa. Conservation Genetics, 2008, 10(4): 1061-1063.

18.Jiangxia Yin, Jie Ma, Shuyi Zhang, Walter Metzner. FoxP2 expression in the brain of echolocating and non-echolocating bats and its possible role in vocalization. Progr. No. 796.13 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. 2008.