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LIU Ting

Date: 2021-06-08    Source: 

Liu Ting, associate professor at Light Industry College, Liaoning University.



B.S. Automation, Northeastern University, 2007

M. S. Control theory and control engineering, Northeastern University, 2009

Ph.D. Control theory and control engineering, Northeastern University, 2014


Taught courses:

Electric power engineering; Automation of power system; Integrated automation of power systems



Excellent lecturer in undergraduate course of Liaoning University


Research Interests:

Nonlinear control; Disturbance attenuation method; Adaptive control method for nonlinear systems



[1]    Jiang Nan, Liu Ting, Ren Tao. Disturbance Attenuation and Stability control of Power System[M], Science Press: Beijing, 2020

[2]    Jiang Nan, Liu Ting*, Research on Voiceprint Recognition of Camouflage Voice Based on Deep Belief Network[J], International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2021

[3]    Jiang Nan, Liu Ting*. An Improved Speech Segmentation and Clustering Algorithm Based on SOM and K-Means[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2020.

[4]    Li Zanhua, Jing Yuanwei, Liu Ting. Minimax Congestion Control Study for a Class of TCP Network Systems[J], Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science ), 2019

[5]    Wang Huapeng, Jiang Nan, Liu Ting, Cao Yangyang. Adaptive Stable Control of Manipulator System Based on Immersion and Invariance[J], Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2018

[6]    Liu Jianing, Liu Ting*, Zhu Hongfeng, Wang Sichao, Wan Zhenning, Hao Zhengqiang. Circuit Design of Semi-physical Simulation Experimental Platform for Static Var Generator[J], Experimental Technology and Management, 2017

[7]    Jiang Nan, Cao Yangyang, Liu Ting. Trajectory Planning and Control Simulation of Manipulator based on a Mixed Newton Interpolation Method[C], Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, 2016

[8]    Jiang Nan, Liu Ting*, Li Xin. Coordinated Switching Control of the Excitation and Steam Valve System Based on State and Input Constraints[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015

[9]    Jiang Nan, Liu Ting, Li Shengtao, Dong Xiujuan. Whole-range Nonlinear Large Disturbance Attenuation Controller Design for Turbo Generator Steam Valve Systems[J], Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME.2014

[10] Liu Ting, Jing Yuanwei, Jiang Nan, Zhang Siying. Adaptive Minimax Disturbance Attenuation Controller Design for TCSC system[J], Control and Decision, 2013.

[11] Liu Ting, Jiang Nan, Jing Yuanwei, Zhang Siying. Large Disturbance Attenuation Sampled-data Controller Design for Nonlinear STATCOM System[J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2013

[12] Liu Ting, Jiang Nan, Jing Yuanwei, Zhang Siying. Nonlinear Robust Disturbance Attenuation Control Design for Static Var Compensator in Power System[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013