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AN Shanshan

Date: 2021-06-15    Source: 

AN Shanshan, BA (Liaoning University), MA (Liaoning University), PhD (Peking University), Professor. Dean of the Centre for New Media and Society Studies

The Research InterestsNew Media Theories, Public Opinion, Research Methods and New Media and Society. The main research achievements are as follows,

1. An Shanshan (2013) Utopia or Dystopiathe Criticism of Online Public Opinion and its Activities. Contemporary Communication,2013, No. 2.

2. An Shanshan (2012) The Factors and the Influential Mechanism of Online Public Opinion Generation: An Exploratory Study of Four Major Chinese BBS Forums. Journalism & Communication, Vol 19. No. 5.

3. An Shanshan (2012) The Theoretical Orientation of Public Opinion in the Process of Media Ecological Transformation. Journalism Research, 2012, No. 15.

4. An Shanshan and Yang Boxu (2011) The Features ofOnline Nationalism in Chinese BBS forums.Youth Studies, 2011, No. 2.

5. Yang Boxu, Le Yuan, An Shanshan (2011) The Less Expected : An Exploration of the Social and Political Activities on the Internet in China, Cultures of Participation : Media Practices, Politics and LiteracyGreifH., Hjorth L., Lasén A., Lobet-Maris C. (eds.), Peter Lang GmbH.

6. An Shanshan (2009) Diversified Preference and Limited Influence of Online Topics——The Characteristics of Opinion Leaders’ participation on China. China Media Report, 2009 No. 3.

7. Yang Boxu, Le Yuan, Anshanshan (2010) Democracy and the EstablishmentsPolitical Engagements on the Chinese Qiangguo and Maoyan BBS forums. In the Proceeding of the International Conference on “Multiple Perspectives on the Meaning of Community and Citizenship”, Harvard-Yenching Institute.

8. An Shanshan (2013)The Decline of Publicity: the Participation and influence of Public Opinion on Chinese BBS forums. Beijing: China Social Science Press.