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LI Qingrui

Date: 2020-06-28    Source: 

LI Qingrui, born in 1989, is a lecturer in the School of Journalism and Communication of Liaoning University and a doctor in the Faculty of Literature of Jilin University.   

Research field: literary communication, communication theory.

Major courses offered: New Media Practice, Introduction to Communication, World Film History, Public Relations

Scientific research projects:

Participate in the national social science fund project "research on active advertising and social consumption transformation in China in the new century" (project number: 15BXW087)

 Representative papers:

"revisiting classical unities: a theoretical journey of cultural poetics", "contention of literature and art", No. 7, 2018.

"Game Turn" in Film Narration, "Journal of Social Sciences, No.4, 2019.

Correspondence address: School of Journalism and Communication, Puhe Campus, Liaoning University, Shenyang City