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YUE Shuang

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

YUE Shuang, an associate professor at Institute of Rare and Scattered Elements Chemistry, Liaoning University, received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Chemistry in 2002 and 2005 respectively, both from Liaoning Univeristy. I completed my Ph.D in analytical Chemistry in 2011 at East China Normal University, China and completed the postdoctoral research in 2013 in Technical University of Munich, Germany.

The research interests include rare and scattered elements chemistry and catalytic application. The main research achievements are as follows,

[1].   Iulius I. E. Markovits#, Wilhelm A. Eger#Shuang Yue#, Mirza Cokoja, Christian J. Münchmeyer, Bo Zhang, Mingdong Zhou, Alexander Genest, János Mink, Shuliang Zang,* Notker Rösch,* and Fritz E. Kühn*, Activation of Hydrogen Peroxide by Ionic Liquids: Mechanistic Studies and Application  in the Epoxidation of Olefins, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2013, 19: 5972-5979.#并列一作,影响因子5.925

[2].   Shuang Yue, Dawei Fang, Jun Li, Shuliang Zang, Mingdong Zhou, Bo Zhang, Iulius I. E. Markovits, Mirza Cokoja, and Fritz E. Kühn*, Synthesis and Characterization of Imidazolium Perrhenate Ionic Liquids, Z. Naturforsch. B, 2013, 68b, 598-604.

[3].   Shuang Yue, Jun Li, Zhenhua Yu, Qiang Wang, Xiaopei Gu, Shuliang Zang. Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Application of a New (3-Methoxy-N-salicylidene)aniline—Derived Schiff Base Complex of Methyltrioxorhenium, Russ. J. Coord. Chem., 2010, 36: 547-551.

[4].   Shuang Yue, Jun Li, Shuliang Zang, Xuejun Gu, Yingjie Yu, Hao Jin. Schiff Base Complex of Gallium: Synthesis and Crystal Structure, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 26:763-768.

[5].   Shuang Yue, Jun Li, Hao Jin, Yang Liu, Shuliang Zang. Schiff Base Complex of Gallium Trichloride: Synthesis and Crystal Structure, Chemical Research and Application, 2010, 22:465-471.

[6].   Dawei Fang, Shuang Yue, Ying Xiong, Yuyang Zhang, Xuejun Gu, Shuliang Zang. Synthesis and Application of Rhenium Ionic Liquid, The Secend Prize of Technical Invention Award of Liaoning Provice, 2014F-2-07-02.


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