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SUN Weixiang

Date: 2021-06-01    Source: 

The basic information

Name: Sun-weixiang

Date of birth: February, 1986

Title: Associate professor


Sun-weixiang was born in Shouguang. He studied at the Institute of History and Culture of Qufu Normal University from September 2005 to July 2009, and obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in History. He studied with Professor Gao-fushun at Department of Chinese History in Jilin University from September 2009 to July 2015, and obtained Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in History. Since 2016, Sun-weixiang has been working at School of History of Liaoning University. He mainly engages in the research on history of Khitan nationality and Liao Dynasty. Up to now, Sun-weixiang has published several articles in various journals.