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LIU Yanxia

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

LIU Yanxia, a professor at School of Physics, Liaoning University,received B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics in 1987 and 1990 respectively, both from Liaoning University. She completed her Ph.D in Traffic Engineering in 2006 at Dalian Maritime University, China and completed the postdoctoral research in 2011 in Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research interests include computational materials science and atomic and molecular physics. The main research achievements are as follows,

1. Yanxia Liu, Hao Wang, Henan Wu, Dongsheng Xu and Rui Yang, A mean-field interatomic potential for a multi-component β-type titanium alloy, Computational Materials Science (2014), 95:414-419. (This paper won the second prize award for Excellent Science and Technology Paper of Liaoning Society of Metals)

2. Yanxia Liu, Xun Wang, Yongqing Ma, Chenghua Zhang, Jiaxing Sun and Jiajia Sun, Austenite Composition Design at the Atomic Scale for the Cast Iron-Based Multi-element Alloy, Computational Materials Science (2008), 44(2):641-646

3. Yanxia Liu, Xun Wang, Yongqing Ma and Chenghua Zhang, The construction and application of the many-body potential for the Fe-Cr-V-Ni-Si-C system multi-component alloy, Acta Physica Sinica (2015), 57(1): 358-363

4. Yanxia Liu, Xinchen Gao, Guoying Zhang and Huaihong Guo, BP Neural Networks Used in Prediction and Analyses of 3C Steel Corrosion Function, Journal of Materials Science & Engineering (2008), 26(1):94-97.

5. Yanxia Liu, Yuehua Wang, Yongqing Ma and Yumei Dai, Geometry optimization of multi-component alloy clusters, Materials Science & Technology (2008), 16(2):224-227.

6. Guoying Zhang, Hui Zhang, Yanxia Liu and Lina Yang, The electronic theory study of the influence of Pd on the passivation of Ti alloys, Acta Physica Sinica (2008), 57(4):2404-2408.

7. Zhiqing Yu, Xun Wang, YanXia Liu, Mei Wang, He Yang and Xiangxin Xue, Construction of Lennard-Jones pair potential and pairwise many-body potential for crystal α-boron, Acta Physica Sinica (2015), 64:103401.

8. Xun Wang, Yanxia Liu, Yuehua Wang, Zhenning Ma, Yana Shan and Jingyu Wang, A method of fitting shell model interatomic potential for H2 molecule from electronic structure data, Acta Physica Sinica (2009), 58(13):35-S39.


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