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LIU Xinghui

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

LIU Xinghui, a professor at School of Physics, Liaoning University, received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in department of Electronics Engineering and Physics in 1994 and 1997 respectively, both from Liaoning University. He completed his Ph.D. in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics in 2005 at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. As a visiting scholar, he conducted academic exchange at Louisiana State University, USA, for a period of one year (2015-2016).

The research interests include micro-nano semiconductor technology and integrated circuit design, novel carbon-based nanometer CMOS integrated circuit, also including the next generation integrated circuit interconnection technology with carbon nanotubes and graphene as interconnects.Recently, the main research achievements are as follows,

1.      Song Yunlei, Liu Xinghui(corresponding author), Yan Bin, JinChuanen, A Novel Method of Dynamic Power Management for Supporting External Device Control, Application of Electronic Technique, 2017, No.2, 37-39.

2.      A. Srivastava, Xinghui Liu, Y.M. Banadaki, Second chapter of the monograph <Carbon Nanotubes for Interconnects>, Springer publisher, 2016, 37-80.

3.      Jun Cao, Xinghui Liu(Corresponding Author), Wenjing Zhang, Hongliang Zhao, Changren Jiang, Design of a Fast Modular Multiplier. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices, 2014, Vol37, No.3: 435~440.

4.      Hongliang Zhao, Xinghui Liu (corresponding author)Modeling of a standard 0.35um CMOS technology operating from 77 K to 300 K. Cryogenics, 2014, 59: 49~59.

5.      Xinghui Liu, Hongliang Zhao, Tianyu Li, Ren Zhang, Songjie Li, Chunhua Ge. Improvement on the electron transport efficiency ofthe carbon nanotube field effect transistor device by introducing heterogeneous-dual-metal-gate structure. Acta Phys. Sin. 2013,Vol.62, No. 14: 147308-1~147308-8.

6.      Simulation of Carbon nanotube field effect transistor with linear graded PN junction Channel.Advanced Science Letters, 2013, Vol. 19, 1061~1066.

7.      Xinghui Liu, Yukui Li, Yan Lu, Yujia Lin, Yu Li, Jiwei Wang, Songjie Li. Influence of Channel length and source /drain doping content on transport characteristics of MOS-CNTFET.Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 2013, Vol33. No.6: 535-541.

8.      Xinghui Liu, Junsong Zhang, Jiwei Wang, QiangAo. Study on transport characteristics of CNTFET with Halo-Ldd doping structure based on NEGF quantum theory. ActaPhys. Sin. 2012,Vol.61, No.10: 107302-1 ~107302-7.

9.      Xinghui Liu, Junsong Zhang, Jiwei Wang, Fanguang Zeng, Xin Li. Theoretical Study of Transport Characteristics of Field Effect Transistor with Channel Made of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube. Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 2012, Vol32, No.7: 636~641.

10.  Xinghui Liu, Study on transport characteristics of CNTFET based on NEGF theory 2011 IEEE International conference of Electron Devices and solid-state circuits, 2011.

11.  Liu Xinghui, Kang Dawei, Research on the teaching method of "microelectronics process and device simulation"course, education teaching forum, 2017, to be published.


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