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LI Yijie

Date: 2020-07-08    Source: 

LI Yijie, an associate professor at School of Physics, Liaoning University, master tutor.She received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Physics in 2008 and 2011 respectively, both from Liaoning University. She completed her Ph. D in Beihang University in 2014.

The research interests include Heavy Flavor Physics, especially in heavy quarkonia production.The main research achievements are as follows:

1.Yi-Jie Li, Guang-Zhi Xu, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang(*),

Relativistic Correction to J/psi and Upsilon Pair Production, JHEP, 1307 (2013) 051, IF(2016):6.063

2.Yi-Jie Li, Guang-Zhi Xu, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang(*),
Search for C=+ charmonium and XYZ states in e^+e^-\to \gamma+ H at BESIII, JHEP, 1401(2014)022, IF(2016):6.063

3.Yi-Jie Li, Guang-Zhi Xu, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang(*),

The NLO Calculations of heavyquarkonium production at B factories, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 523 (2014) 0120643

4.Yi-Jie Li, Guang-Zhi Xu, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kui-Yong Liu(*),

Study of Color Octet Matrix Elements Through J/ψ Production in e+e− Annihilation, Eur. Phys. J. C77 (2017) no.9, 579, IF(2016):5.297

5.Guang-Zhi Xu, Yi-Jie Li, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang,
Relativistic Correction to Color Octet J/psi Production at Hadron Colliders, Physical Review D (Phys.Rev. D) 86 (2012) 094017, IF(2016):4.557.

6.Guang-Zhi Xu, Yi-Jie Li, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang,
alpha_s v^2 corrections to \eta_c and \chi_{cJ} production recoiled with a photon e^+e^-collider, Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 1410 (2014) 71, IF(2016):6.063.

7.Guang-Zhi Xu, Gang Li, Yi-Jie Li, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang,
Interference effects on Higgs mass measurement in e+e−→H(γγ)Z at CEPC,Chin.Phys. C40 (2016) no.3, 033101, IF(2016):5.297.


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