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ZHANG Chengyuan

Date: 2020-07-08    Source: 

ZHANG Chengyuan, a lecturer at School of Physics, Liaoning University, received B.S. degrees in Physics in 2012, and completed the Ph.D in 2017, both from Liaoning Normal University. Mainly engaged in the research work of the application of gauge/gravity theory in strongly correlated magnetic systems.

The research interests include he application of gauge/gravity theory in strongly correlated magnetic systems. The main research achievements are as follows:

1.Cheng-Yuan Zhang,Ya-Bo Wu, and Ting Qi, Holographic ferromagnetism model with the Maxwell field strength corrections, Phys. Lett. B, 2019, 792: 43–49.

2.Cheng-Yuan Zhang, Ya-Bo Wu, Ya-Nan Zhang, Huan-Yu Wang, and Meng-Meng WuHolographic paramagnetism-ferromagnetism phase transition with the nonlinear electrodynamicsNucl. Phys. B, 2017, 914: 446–460.  

3.Ya-Bo Wu, Cheng-Yuan Zhang, Jian-Bo Lu, Mu-Hong Hu, and Yun-Tian Chai, Holographic model for ferromagnetic phase transition in the Lifshitz black hole with the nonlinear electrodynamicsPhys. Lett. B, 2017, 767: 264–271.

4.Cheng-Yuan Zhang, Ya-Bo Wu, Yong-Yi Jin, Yun-Tian Chai, Mu-Hong Hu, and Zhuo ZhangLifshitz scaling effects on the holographic paramagnetism-ferromagnetism phase transitionPhys. Rev. D,2016, 93: 126001.

5. Ya-BoWu, Cheng-Yuan Zhang, Jun-Wang Lu, Bi Fan, Shuang Shu, Yu-Chen LiuHolographic paramagnetism–ferromagnetism phase transition in the Born–Infeld electrodynamicsPhys. Lett. B, 2016, 760: 469–474.

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