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GUO Wanshan

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

GUO Wanshan, a professor at School of Economics, Liaoning University, received B.S.(in Mathematics) , M.Ec. and Ph.D (in Economics) degrees in 1985,1996 and in 2004 respectively, all from Liaoning Univeristy.

Ph.D. Thesis: Essays On Inflation Targeting

The research interests include switched systems and robust control. The main research achievements are as follows,

1. Guo Wanshan,2012,"Evaluating the Test Power Under the Sequential Testing Strategy Through monte Carlo Simulation and Improving the Strategy", The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,(2012) Vol.29.No.9,141-150

2. Guo wanshan,2005, "Monetary Policy Rules Combined With the Flexible Inflation Targeting", The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,(2005) Vol.22.No.1,83-92

3. Guo Wanshan,2005,"A Summary of the Study of Inflation Targeting System", Economic Perspectives,(2005),No.2, Feb.2005,76-81.

4. Guo Wanshan,2004,"The Impact of Uncertainty of Parameters on Monetary Policy", Statistical Research,(2004),No.2, Series No. 148,38-41.

