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HUANG Xianfeng

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

HUANG Xianfeng, Professor of Economics, Liaoning University.

Fields of Research: Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, Economic Growth and Development


Ph.D (Economics), Liaoning University, 2001

M.S.(Mathematics), Liaoning University, 1989

B.S.(Mathematics), Sichuan Normal University, 1984

Tilburg University, A Training Program in Economics, Jan.-June, 2000

Institute of Social Studies, A Graduate Program in Population and Development, 1993- 1994

Work experience

2000-present: School of Economics, Liaoning University

1998-2000: Institute of Economic Research, Liaoning University

1993-1998: Institute of Population Research, Liaoning University

1989-1993: Department of National Economic Administration, Liaoning University

1984-1986: Department of Mathematics, Xichang Normal College

2007-2008: Visiting scholar, Department of Economics, Indiana State University

Recent Papers

“The size and composition of public expenditure and economic growth: An empirical study based on Chinese data” (with Shuyong Fu), Journal of Liaoning University, vol. 42(6): 72-83, 2014

“Monopoly power and economic growth”(with Zhongyuan Han), China Journal of Economics, vol 1(1): 98-134, 2014

“The effects of age structure on savings rate in Asia: Based on the HW-model” (with Jing Chen and Zhi Feng),Economic Survey, vol. 31(5): 62-67, 2014

“Seigniorage and the welfare cost of inflation: An analytical framework and empirical research based on Chinese data” (with Yong Zhang and Yanlong Bao), Shanghai Finance, No. 397: 11-17, 2013

“Welfare cost of inflation and seigniorage: An analytical framework and estimation” (with Yanlong Bao and Jinglan Zhao), Review of Investment Studies, vol. 32(8): 77-88, 2013

“Reserve requirement ratio, seigniorage and the welfare cost of inflation” (with Yanlong Bao and Yong Zhang),Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, vol.30 (6): 36-50, 2013

“Economic growth and multi- tasking by state-owned enterprises: An analytic framework and empirical study based on Chinese provincial data”(with Ping Li and Richard Lotspeich), Economic Systems, vol. 34(2): 160-177, 2010

The size of the SOE sector and macroeconomic performance: an empirical study based on Chinese provincial data”(with Ping Li and Richard Lotspeich), Economic Change and Restructuring, vol. 42(4): 319-343, 2009


Theories of Real Business Cycle, Publishing House of Remin University of China, 2003.

Tanslated Books

Edwin Mansfield and Gary Yohe, Microeconomics: Theory and Application (11th edition), Publishing House of Remin University of China, 2012.

Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh, Economics (4th edition), Publishing House of Remin

University of China, 2010.

Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh, Economics (3rd edition), Publishing House of Remin

University of China, 2005.

Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane (eds.), Reflections on the Development of Modern

Macroeconomics, Commercial Press, 2000.

Joseph E. Stiglitz, Economics (2nd edition), Publishing House of Remin University of China,


Edwin Mansfield, Microeconomics: Theory and Application (9th edition), Publishing House

of Remin University of China, 1999.

Thomas Sargent, Macroeconomic Theory (2nd edition), China Economic Publishing House,

