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GUO Guangzhen

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

GUO Guangzhen ; Associate professor;Director of the Economic Policy Center

Research  fields:Application of Game Theory, New Political Economy, Regional Economics.


Journal  publications

1.        Guangzhen GuoYuan LiJun ZhangThe power structure of revolutionary organizations and political transitionJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 14(1), 89-106, 2016.

2.        Guo Guangzhen, Zhang Jun, Organizational Internal Structure and Social System Changes: A New Political Economics Analysis, Nankai Economic Studies,2014.1,(CSSCI(in Chinese)

3.        Guo Guangzhen, Zhang Ping, Behavior of Local Government Officials in Economic Development: Based on a Political Promotion, Fiscal Decentralization and Corruption Perspective, World Economic Papers,2014.6,CSSCI(in Chinese)

4.        Guo GuangzhenInternal Power Allocation Modle and Incentive in University, World Economic PapersCSSCI2010.3(in Chinese)

5.        Guo Guangzhen, Li Shaoping, Huang Xianfeng, Behavior of Local Government Officials in Economic Development: Based on a Political Promotion, Fiscal Decentralization and Corruption Perspective, Economic ReviewCSSCI2011.5(in Chinese)

6.        Guo Guangzhen Peng KunThe Behavior of Local Government and Economy Development An Analysis Framework, Modern Economic ScienceCSSCI2011.2(in Chinese)

7.        Guo Guangzhen, The Behavior of Local Government and Economy Development : a Literature Review of Political Promotion, Fiscal Decentralization and Corruption, Research on Institutional Economics,CSSCI2010.3 (in Chinese)

8.        Guo Guangzhen, The Behavior of Local Government and Economy Development : a Literature Review of Political Promotion, Fiscal Decentralization and Corruption, Research on Institutional Economics(in Chinese)

9.        Guo Guangzhen, Political Gains, Economic Corruption and Economic Performance: a Model of New Classical Political Economics, South China Journal of EconomicsCSSCI,2009.11(in Chinese)

10.    Guo Guangzhen, Resources Allocation Efficiency and Empirical Research of University in China, Review of New Political Economics,2009.15(in Chinese)

11.    Zhang Wensong,A Theory of Firm  Networks and Firm Boundary, China Industrial EconomicsCSSCI2005. 12(in Chinese)

Invited conference presentations(in english )

1.        Guo Guangzhen, Jun Zhang, Haoqing Xu ,Centralized Revolutions and Autocratic Political Regime the Conference of Institutions, Economic Growth and International TradeFudan University, ChinaSep. 7-9, 2012

2.        Guo Guangzhen ,Jun Zhang, centralized decision-making of revolutionary organizations and the long-term of centralized feudal system in china: a new political economics analysis, the 16th world congress of international economic association(IEA)Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, July 4-8, 2011

Academic honours

Anonymous reviewer of China Economic Quarterly; World Economic Papers, Economic Review ,South China Journal of Economics

